The Place As It Was:
The city domes and spires
Palaces, many-moated
Lying in the sunlight,
Pigeons fluttering skyward
As one strolls across
The Piazza San Marco.
Music, much music, light and
Waltzes all around the cafes,
And people, so many!
Loud and colourful Italians,
Brash, camera bestrewn
Americans, who’d “Just love
To take it home to Alabama .”
Hard faced Germans
And busy little Japanese
Who look so serious,
So incongruous,
In a city of love and laughter.
Sit, as I have oft times,
And watch the world
Bustle and stroll by,
Bustlers with bags and
A grim sense of purpose
Etched on their bustly faces
And lovers strolling
Arm in arm,
There but not there.
Sit drinking wine that warms
In the glorious sun;
Sit and watch the
Gondolas, launches
Water buses and
All sorts of eccentric craft
Buzzing round the canals,
Amazingly never seeming
To crash, only touch
At times with much
Cursing and gesticulating
From crew and passengers.
Walk gently, looking for shade,
And gaze long, with bewilderment
At the beauty of the work
Of the silversmiths;
And when it gets cooler cross
The bridges, pass through
The multi-smelling markets
And enter places hot as hell,
Where beauty, vastly fragile
Beauty, is blown from long
Pipes pulled from the fires
And take on shapes, some
Unimaginable, in glass.
Churches, cafes, bridges and
More bridges, then a sudden
Quiet piazza with but a single
Old, old lady sitting
Enjoying a place of shade,
Reliving memories and
Remembering dreams in
The city of dreams.
Glorious, bizarre, a dream within
A dream, within a dream.
I have always loved
And though I never
See her again
She remains deep
In my heart.
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