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Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Here Be Dragons – The Road Beyond Betrayal:

I lie, bone-weary but quietly content in the warm embrace of a still darkness, 
The wind sighing,
Gently stroking the Autumn leaves, cleansing trees and playing pianissimo
The wind chimes.
Squeaker’s small and perfectly formed head lies gentle upon my arm,
Quietly purring, slowing
My heart.  My random thoughts turn to mist and my eyes search inwards as
My mind navigates
To those familiar lands where so many old friends, wise teachers and the 
Wildest of enemies, bide.
Their rich, diverse and busy lives are not on hold when I am here; their esoteric 
Magic is not
In any way, shape or form dependent upon my presence or that of any other, 
Mage, man or beast.  
A dragon is a dragon, and elves are elves, there is there and here is here no less 
Or no more than
I am me and you are you. You say that it is not so? Ha! You are serious? 
What do you know?
Where do you walk to when your eyes close and the Inner World comes?  
What winding roads
And star studded skies are yours?  How do you make believe it is not real?  
Come!  Think!
Your mind is your only reality.  Je pense donc je suis.  Cogito ergo sum.  
Believe it! 
You must clearly let the two worlds collide and become one, your very real, 
Awesome, unpredictable whole.   

My eyes refocus on the ‘other’; I stretch in a body free of pain and climb
His scales and settle,
My knees tight upon his neck, poised and ready, wildly alive, and he leaps, 
Clasps the sky,
Roaring his joy, vast wings effortlessly cutting  through the breaking palour
Of another dawn.
The air is different, crystal-fresh, its purity catching in my lungs.  
A sharp Crescent moon hangs
High above like a holy scimitar, and far below as light creeps on, there a 
Boatman slowly sails
The Morning Star across Night’s ever-dark sea.  I pull my collar closer against 
The keen chill and
Dragon-wind as we see the Sun launch her daily challenge, steadily, insistently 
Leaching into the
Darkness, calling  coquettishly to the semi-sleeping world from behind the 
Shadow-strewn eastern mountains.  Below, as the light softly grazes now
The waiting tree tops,
Red Kites rise like whispers from the heights of the dew-washed forest, 
Clearing-bound for breakfast,
Their dread beauty sharpened by their silence, their glinting talons and 
Emerald-cold eyes.
Below, the dawn chorus slowly commences, chatter filling the air, raising the 
Alarm, warning
The Innocent of the coming of aerial death, though always to some slow, old 
And unwary too late. 

A wyvern appears, an aspiring alpha male, tries its luck, screams and
Falls away, tail thrashing,
Singed by white dragon flame.  Again Grezeyal roars, celebrating his simple 
Triumph, and I laugh,
Intoxicated, forgetting for a moment my heavy burden here in the Inner Land
But only a moment,
And as my mood darkens my steed, sensing my uncertain feelings, flexes
His claws in empathy. 
Below us elven gauchos ride their gryphons, guiding dazzling white unicorns 
Across a ford,
Away from a pack of skulking and hungry wolves, crossing a river which 
Snakes, ribbon-like
Off into the shady distance, and here we see the elven demesne, their wondrous 
Summer cottages
Floating, anchored to the highest branches above a small copse of trees which 
Lies close by a loch.
On their extended platforms cooking fires warm pots, the smell of divine 
Ambrosia rising up as  
Children climb, assuming immortality, down rope ladders, splash, wash and 
Swim before rescaling
The heights to break their fast. Some, their faces turning up, wave precariously, 
Laughing, full of
The joy of a fresh dawn which is singing out an invitation to them, promises of 
New adventures.
Then in moments they pass, their laughter still in my ears, and below soon lies 
A careless sea.

Gazing at its uncaring waters I think again of that which I carry.  It weighs so 
Little, and yet so
Very much, this anguished and lost soul.  And for this we fly, our route to take 
Us to most ancient
Atlantis, the eternal city, the city of curlicued spires, of magic, passion and
At times, some glorious
Madness.  Once the centre of both the Inner and Outer Worlds, and after the 
Time of Healing,
So to be again.  There I will seek out, as I was prompted so to do, 
The Healer, The formidable Chiron
The Centaur.  A movement by my arm breaks my thought and shortly 
Squeaker’s head appears
From her carry bag. She looks about, yawns lazily, unimpressed, and returns 
To her untroubled slumber.
As my eyes scan the horizon I am at last rewarded by a great trumpet call
Of recognition from Grezeyal
As the distant, longed for golden towers scintillate, dance and gyre in the
Now risen sun.
As nearer still we fly the soft, hypnotic music of rainbows rises like mellifluous
Diamond-cut butterflies
Chasing each other around our heads and the sea below us calms in
The great, bustling harbour.  
There I see activity round ships of all descriptions, shapes and sizes,
The great behemoths of the
Seas and skies, the fingers of Atlantis which reach out to warm, reassure and 
Unite her World.

Shortly, too, rise Grezeyal’s kinsfolk, the skies filling with whirling, 
Trumpeting dragon-folk,
Welcoming home their ever-wandering, much loved son. Slowly then we start 
To circle down,
Landing gently at last in the Great Central Hold where grooms and riders sit
At long boards
Laden with breakfast. The smell of cooked oats, honey, fresh bread and 
Steaming Masala chai
Clamour for my attention as I demount, bow to my steed and most dear friend, 
And then turn,
Waving to various companions of old, deeply desirous to stop and talk of this 
And that but
Mindful of my task, regretfully boarding a vacant roamer which stands waiting 
For instructions.
I tap in coordinates and in moments then move to a portal and drop far below 
The city's surface,
There to hurtle through mosaiced tunnels, fungus lit. As I travel I hastily peruse 
The roamer’s texter.
As I expect – sadly know, in truth - news is not good. Isms and phobias in that 
Other world
Darken the souls of many and divisions grow, spreading discontent.  Countries 
Now building walls
And viler ordnance, turning inwards, seeking differences with those elsewhere.  
Suspicion and her sibling
Paranoia are stalking the lands and cruel winds chill the souls of even those 
Guiltless and guileless.

Suddenly my eyes adjust as I rise to the daylight again and before me lies
An ornate pool with
Tinkling fountain,  therein basking the joyous mermaid Kallisto and her 
Dolphin steed, Catulus.
I know her of old and cherish her friendship.  I step from the roamer, smile and 
Bow low my greeting.
“So formal!” she gently chides, her chiming laughter filling the air, and she 
Offers me welcome.  
Apprised of my purpose she points the way to the golden maze, and there I find
Chiron the Centaur.
He awes me, always! Though said to be the son of ancient, long dead Gods it is 
He who bows low,
However, and then holds out his hand, expectant.  I place therein the lightest 
And yet the heaviest
Of burdens and he stands, eyes almost closed, tail lashing rhythmically
Back and forth,
As he concentrates, his keen empathic and healing mind reaching out into its 
Depths. A look of
Puzzled strain crosses his wise and noble face and, surely I am wrong, a touch 
Of uncertainty.
His Eyes fly open and stare at me. "I had not expected this, had thought the 
‘Time’ still well off. 
Perhaps that is not so. Thou bringest not a wandering Soul, I see. Thou Bringest, 
'The' Lost Soul.
How so?”  In the distance I hear growling thunder, and the approaching storm’s
Ominous perturbation chills me.

My mind returns to the enchanted forest when I turned off the beaten track
And chose instead
To tread the sun-dappled path untaken.  It was in short order that I came across 
A most extraordinary 
Man with his small, grey and white cat which stared around him, purring 
Contentedly, a look of
Wonder and benevolent surprise glowing in his kindly eyes.  Though the 
Tender-hearted little creature was
Clear to see, the old man’s face wavered in my sight if I looked at him directly.  
He stroked his
Small friend absently causing his claws to pulse in pleasure even as his 
Companion’s eyes shone
Through and then started to dim.  As I came close he reached out a gnarled 
Hand, touching my face
Most gently as though he knew each and every contour. "You will know what 
To do, where to go and  
To whom"  he wheezed.  “Trust your instinct.”  Most tenderly then he touched  
The cat. “Let go your
Burden now, my little one, beloved Shadow.” And the light fled it and the husk 
Fell peacefully,
Needed no longer.  The man then sighed a sigh of sorrow, reaching out once 
More and pressing
Something into my hand as his breath rattled and his chest sank. His face 
Becoming visible.  
I leaned forward and closed his now glazed eyes for the last time. It was then that 
I noticed the stigmata. 

There were holes in his hands and his bare feet, long healed, and his face was 
One writ clear with
Untold sorrows and beauties beyond imagining.  As I leaned forward, awed but 
Somehow obliged
To touch him again, my head filled with a raw cacophony of screams, shouting 
And images of great
Hordes of folk and beasts battling savagely across an arid plane committing 
Unimaginable horrors and giving
None quarter.  In haste I plucked my hand away as if burned and then, still 
Impelled by some
Unknown force, with trepidation reached out to his small companion.  Instantly 
The horrors left me.
He no images gave but such a beauteous sense of love and innocence I could do 
None other but weep
With the purest possible joy and most lost-loving sorrow.  As at last my eyes 
Cleared and my lungs
No longer breathed in sobs, I stepped back then, my mind uncertain and 
Exhausted but my heart full.
Briefly the world sparkled and the old man’s body turned to mist, leaving only 
The most horrific
Stench of a charnel house, making me gag and vomit, forcing me to stumble 
Back in haste, the
Stink of Death crawling down my throat and clawing at my soul.  Then finally, 
Such beauty, the cat
Followed his companion, leaving me an endless waterfall and deluge of pure, 
Unjudgemental love. 

I look now outward at Chiron who seeing me finished lifts his frown and
Nods understanding. 
“Two souls, it was, were lost, in all of time it seemed, not because of 
Punishment, no never that
Though some thought it so, but because they could not ... would not ...
Forgive themselves,
Or indeed each other, that which had long been forgiven.  Companions they 
Were, of a sort,
Limping down a barren tunnel of time until at last one found his heart and 
Warmed his soul
As no other was able.  In this enlightenment he slowly forgave himself and 
Translated to other
Realms.  Cartaphilus, the cobbler he, a man who asked of himself an awful 
Price for but a
Moment’s mockery.  Thou hast here brought the other, the wanderer through 
Millennia, who found
No chance for his heart to warm his broken soul, as had his companion 
Cartaphilus.  His stain,
His anguish lay in that Darkest of realms, Betrayal.  He had done only as he 
Thought was right,
That which he needed to do but thus it was that he thought his eternal soul was 
Lost.  And irony, too,
Lies at the heart of his self-condemnation, for in a world of free will this one 
Act of his was set,
Predestined!  He had done what was required of him and yet he could not – 
Would not! – believe.

And thus it was that the One he had betrayed with a kiss felt his pain through 
All the years,
And needs must find him in the darkness and try to lead him to the light.  
Hard And long has
The search been and when at last his soul was found it had still the need of 
Warmth to bring it to
The light.  Thus it was, I now see, that the Seeker placed him within touching 
Of a soul so pure
Selfless and unreservedly loving that it would be as a furnace to warm him and 
A lantern in the
Darkness to show him the way.  That which thou hast brought to me is still in 
Need of learning
To forgive himself, though Shadow warmed him and taught him well with his U
And unjudgemental Love.  When that task is completed, then may be the time 
When the Outer and
The Inner worlds rejoin, no dark and lost souls dividing them.  It is then that 
The folk of faery and
Of legend may mix again with the Outer world, and magic will be real to all 
Who will look
And believe!  Atlantis will take its place as was once the case as a centre for 
Learning, for research
Into the melding of the magic of the Inner world and science of the Outer, the 
Love of the Inner and
The logic of the Outer and the dreams of both to make Gaea the bright beacon 
Amongst the stars.  

I give thanks to Charon for the explanation, bow my respects and turn to leave, 
Thinking I will
Return to the waiting roamer, in deep thought and  not some little confusion.  
His voice
Breaks my stride.  “Wait.  Hear me. Thy work is not yet done. Thou were sent 
To me by the weary
Seeker that I may assist and instruct thee as to how to complete thy task.  
So be it.”  He paces
Forward, looming large but benevolent, and returns to my unhappy hands the 
Package I had so
Recently bid farewell!  “The time is not now, the alignment is not complete 
And this soul is not yet
Found in itself.  Though love from Shadow warmed it, so great was the cold 
That more must  be done. 
It needs now to find self-forgiveness and perspective.  Only then will it know 
How small it is
To carry such guilt, for it seeks to carry the shame of all that has been wrong 
With humanity.  
The Seeker dies endlessly through eternity as the betrayer lives his guilt.  This 
Circle must break!” 
Thus it is, therefore, that I soon find myself in a place I know only by the 
Reports of others,
Though I recognise it in my eyes and heart. There a great golden thread soars 
Up into the
Heavens, higher than the eye can travel, giving off a golden halo of bright 
Coruscating light. 

It is, I know, the Moon’s birthing chord, that which connects the Light Soul Of Her Luna 
Child to the
Great Soul Gaia.  I walk hesitantly across the surprisingly empty, mosaiced 
Piazza towards it,
Not without some small trepidation, hesitate and then force my reluctant body 
Forward and
Step into the soft aura.  Straight way my head is filled with the soft chiming of 
Many bells
Accompanied by such deep bass notes I feel rather than hear.  Then there is a 
Rushing of wind
Followed by cold and dark which starts to creep into my bones and heart.  It is 
As my soul begins
To tremble that Squeaker once more chooses to appear.  Her casual glance and 
Return to sleep
Steadies me!  Despite myself, I laugh and find my body begin to relax. I look 
Around me and my
Eyes adjust.  The stars stand, an array of jewels scattered randomly across a 
Now mellowed, endless
Sea of a million trillion worlds and possibilities.  I am forced to study my 
Humanity, the meaning of
My oh so small life and its purpose, and become almost lost among that 
Vastness.  I feel my head
Swim and know somehow I am at risk of turning inside out and losing myself. 
I close my eyes
Tight against the overwhelming universe and reach into the bag, to be restored 
By a purring cat! 
Suddenly then my eyes reopen as I feel my feet blessedly upon the wonderful, 
Solid ground and
Find myself  surrounded by a kaleidoscope of coloured flamingoes, all
Of whom wear spectacles
And stand at lecterns talking firmly, incessantly and with absolute solemnity 
About how many
Angels may dance upon the head of a pin, and the placement, size and 
Dimensions of all things, plus
Heaven and Hell. Turning then, my eyes fall upon a slowly growing hillock 
Built by a million
Scurrying ants, and upon the top of this formicidaec cathedral there stands, 
God-like, a small dog,
A tricoloured Jack Russell, one eye closed, the other covered by a most 
Fetching crimson eye patch,
Apparently peering most intently through the wrong end of a telescope towards 
Who knows what
Whilst he relieves himself copiously upon the endlessly grafting, hapless 
Insects building below.
A tall figure then appears from the mists and all activity stops.  Within the cowl 
I can just see
Glowing eyes but when it is pushed back it reveals an androgynous face
Of exquisite beauty. 
“I am Michael” it says. “Welcome. Charon told me to expect you and your 
Extraordinary package. 
Perhaps the Time must be nearer.  May I see that which the Seeker sought for 
So very long?” 

I know not why but I bow low to him as I hand over the dark, tormented soul 
With some relief.
At the instant it leaves my grasp I feel as though a great weight has fallen away 
From my shoulders.
“What will you do here to show him the sad futility of his guilt and his ultimate 
Michael smiles a sorrowful and compassionate  smile.  “I will let him have that 
Which he seeks
But knows not; that which will allow him at last to purge the stain  and forgive 
“And that is?” I ask, dreading the answer that sits suddenly, most heavy in the 
Deepest pit of
My stomach.  He glances up from that which he holds so tenderly and speaks.  “
Ah, I see you know already. 
Why do you need my confirmation?”  I nod. “I do not wish for it to be so; 
Surely there is
Another way?”  Michael slowly shakes his head.  “You know that there is only 
One.  Come,
I have prepared it for his arrival.  You will see how he takes to it with alacrity.”  
Turning then,
He walks back into the mist and I meekly follow.  Momentarily I am lost,
My darting eyes
Finding no familiar thing to fall on, just swirling colour and an unkindness of 
Ravens cackling. 
Then the mist parts and I see it.  A lone, crudely fashioned wooden cross stands 
Upon a small rise.   

I watch Michael stride firmly up and place the package most gently at the base
Of the cross as
Suddenly he metamorphoses, growing vast angel wings, his body dazzling with I
ntense light. 
It is now that the package animates and slowly unfolds to be replaced by a 
Naked man. 
He turns.  He is of around middle years, dark of hair and skin, with staring 
rown, seared eyes
Which project as pools of tragedy.  Well trimmed and fit, is he, with a most 
Livid purple scar
About his  neck.  He seems not to see me but bows low unto Michael who 
Bows lower still
In return.  Then  he turns again, once more to face the lonely cross, his
Self-inflicted penance,
Stands a moment as though in prayer and then with extreme dexterity, 
Clambers up upon it,
Putting his arms over the bar, through the thongs, his feet on the tiny platform.  
For a instant
Then he seems almost content but in moments looks down at Michael and 
Grimaces.  His
Voice grates, as if long unused. “This will not do, thou Servant of the Lord.  
Though I fear it,
Give me reality!” Michael’s face momentarily radiates pain as slowly he
Raises one hand. 
Nails appear then, through the Lost Soul’s hands and through the heels of his 
Feet.  As his
Life blood begins to pour forth from him, staining the cross and earth below, he 
ries out, a wild
Sound which lies within me still, a scar seared upon my soul, and then, slowly, 
He smiles. 

Michael bows once more and turns abruptly, “We must leave him now to
His own devices.” 
As he enters the mist his wings disappear and by the time we come blessedly to 
The other side
He is as when I first saw him.  I ponder aloud.  “How long,” I ask, “will you 
Leave him there?”
Suddenly the man / angel’s composure appears as a fragile thing and I see in 
Him some dread
Pain.  “I? I will not leave him there at all.  I did not put him there; How could I 
Ever do such? No,
That was his own work!  Oddly he ‘enjoys’ his guilt, revels in it.  Yet it is real 
And he believes
That he must pay the price for that one kiss.  Though he knew it not, this is the 
Payment he always
Sought.  He will stay thus for as long as he feels it is right.  He will indulge in 
His pain and sorrow
And his ultimate suffering.  The clouds shrouding and obscuring his heart and 
Soul will clear just as
This mist will part allowing him to be entertained by these simulcra and many 
Others.  Slowly
They will heal him by slashing his sense of significance.  I know not for how 
Long this most
Obdurate of souls will wallow in the mire of misery of his own making but 
When he stops
He will fall gently from the cross, depart at last and the Outer and Inner 
Worlds can reunite.”  

Puzzled but feeling his pain, and knowing that my work is done I bid him 
Farewell and return
To Atlantis just as I had arrived upon Gaia’s child.  There I make my way 
Through bustling crowds
Of men and women, elves, gnomes and creatures vast and small, ugly and 
Exquisite, some of which
I know not their name, and find myself  joyously lifted by their presence, 
Arriving at last back where
Grezeyal dines with friends among the riders.  Little time, it seems, had passed 
For them
And so I sit at the board by old friends and eat oats and honey as Squeaker 
Deigns to join us,
Nibbling titbits shared by all around, for she had quite melted their hearts.  
We Talk long through
The day and into a moonlit night and then I must take my leave, for the 
Outer World calls to me. 
Squeaker gathers herself and slides into her carry bag, asleep in an instant, and 
I climb the scales
Of my oft thought mythical beast.  Yet again his strong wings launch us 
Upward and as they take     
A regular beat I start to doze.  It is thus as I sleep that I return and wake in the 
Outer World,
Squeaker curled at my side, softly purring, Grezeyal’s trumpeted farewell still 
Echoing through
The dawning light, two owls responding to him with a haunting song, both 
Worlds in momentary harmony.   

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