Blog Archive

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Temporal Displacement:

I drove down a modest lane today,
Grass cluttering the centre,
Nature’s scrawny Mohican,
Passing twisted, aged houses,
Their tired, sun-bleached shutters
Closed, time-weary sentinels
Against the heat of the leaching sun,
That which had laid a sleep-calling
Cloak of soft lethargy and torpor
Upon the parched earth,
Where ere my eyes would travel.

All was hushed, still,
Silent as a tomb, long forgot,
But for me.  Birds sang not,
The trees whispered no secrets,
As the cattle, lying in their shade,
Chewed cud, contemplating
The shimmer of sun-kissed buttercups;
And the world lay, somnolent.
All was peace.

Suddenly, jolting my incurious mind,
An astounding sight upon me fell,
From within an unassuming roadside glade
I had noticed ne’er before;
There, secure in an isle of shade
And tranquillity, beside a small,
Crystal-cool and calling pool
A woman kneeled,
Her hunched back to me,
Long, grey hair tied up,
Piled upon her head,
Her simple crown.

Rocking slightly, she was,
As though to some inner melody,
Recalling some dance, perchance,
Her youthful steps,
Both quick and assured,
Until her true love
Had swept her off her feet. 
Thus did she, caught in a reverie,
Her Monday morning washing,
And laid it soft upon the grass
For the sun’s sapping embrace.

Instantaneous, it occurred,
And wildly vertiginous;
I was thrown within a vortex
Which hurled me back in time,
One hundred years or more,
With me an interloper from another age,
In my raucous, polluting machine,
While she perceived me not at all.

I stared, shook my bewildered head,
And drove on then, more slowly and
Thoughtful than before,
A touch fearful, in truth,
Pondering if it was as
I had felt it to be?

And in that uncertain moment
A gargantuan, yolk-yellow
Combine Harvester, a timely
Futuristic juggernaut, materialised
Directly in my path,
Driven nonchalantly by he
Who appeared but a boy,
Steadying my reality once more,
Anchoring me to the nowness of now,
A rolling rock within the slow,
But inexorable,
River of time.

And so it was I shrugged,
Laughed a little at my uncertainty,
And with the shadows upon the road,
Of trees whose seasonal chronology
Marks each passing year, all forever lost, 
Took my temporary temporal displacement,
To the warm and timeless certainty of home
Where illusory reality dances
To my time and tune …
For now.