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Thursday, 23 February 2017

Unitarian Universalist Seeks Love:

Well, I had to come,
There were no other choices,
And nothing left behind,
It often seemed,
But a grand wee pub,
Away from bigots voices,
And people going unblind
To colour and to faith,
And so many ‘isms’ and ‘phobes’
Of different kinds,
Nobody left felt safe.

And yes, I felt guilty that I left
But the place was driving me mad,
It was like a slow ugly death, 
And I felt bereft,
All rather pathetic and sad.
What once looked outward,
Inclusive and grand,
Turned to look inward,
Petty, fearful and bland.

I could have still loved her,
Though rundown, dowdy
And all dressed in rags,
But not with diseased body,
Now a bitter old hag.

I tried good example,
Lots of smiles and true love,
Tried not to wrangle,
Released snow white doves!
I tried biting my tongue
To kingdom come,
Or talking till I was dry,
But there was naught
That would change,
Despite all my rage,
Empathy passed folk by.

Where they used to talk
And share the craic,
With all who were there,
Be they white or black,
This faith or another,
The times had changed
And so many wildly raged,
Fearful against each other.

That pub seemed the only place
Where all could freely speak,
Tolerance and sanity prevailed,
And in their cups or sober
Rationality rarely failed.
But away from there
A cold darkness fell,
Ranging across the land,
And folk who once
Had an open embrace,
Offered but closed heart and hand.

And so it is we quit our home,
And forayed off to France,
Where a cheerful madness often
Appears, laughing at every chance.
(And sunflowers love to dance!)
It is not that all these fine folk
Love and hold each other,
There’s hate and sadness here
As well, brother against brother.

But it’s not my circus,
And these monkeys too,
Are no longer part
Of my philosophical zoo.
(And for that phrase Steve Grey,
I do truly thank you! :) )

But I try to understand the music
Of their swift impassioned chatter,
As they lean, smiling, at the bar
Considering things that matter –
Food, the wine, their friends,
Their mighty stacks of wood.
Standing as Napoleon stood,
Many vertically challenged,
And yet each one a giant,
Ego quite undamaged.

And the Right or Left,
Enjoying their power,
Are not here of my making -
Whether honest folk or faking.
But truly it is only fair
To say, without fear
Of any contradiction,
That those who care
Can see, plain and clear,
Dreams of social justice
Still flourish here,
Each vying for attention.

So, though Le Piranha Pen
Wants us to fear and fight,
To close our hearts and minds and then
Kick and spit on all dark skins in sight,
Immigrants, Muslims, the stranger,
And put all who are different to flight,
The Fifth Republic is in no danger.

Let Mediocre May, Farage and Le Pen,
Vlad The Mad and Geert Wilders
Do their very worst and then
Enter their self-created Hell,
And rake away at cinders
Of alternate truths
They know so well.
And Textical Trump will smile,
And clap his little hands,
Revelling in hopes of misery
Emanating from their plans.

The world may fall
To unthinking sheep,
Lead by narcissistic shepherds,
The slighted and the bitter,
Ruining all we treasure,
But I don’t think we need to weep.
No matter how much it is that they
Consider us their rightful prey
And moan and whinge and witter;
(And little Trumpety squeal on Twitter)
For there are many more of us
Than there are of them,
And right beats wrong
Nine times out of ten,
And good prevails,
As the future requires -
Or a tragic humanity fails
At a divisive fool’s desires.

I have more faith,
And now optimistic I pray
To an unfathomable God
At the end of each day.
I listen but don’t understand
Why we live,
Or what is planned,
Though glad I am at least,
I came to this joyous Celtic land.
And I also know this,
For all it may be uncool,
That across our lives
Love is the fuel
That makes our hearts
And souls fulfilled,
And love it is that
The Unfathomable willed.

And you, dear reader,
Will know that France
Is much the best country
In which to live a romance.
And where romance dwells,
Love has a chance
To reach out tenderly
From one to another,
So all will become
As sister or brother,
No matter the colour,
No matter the creed.
And to all the haters
We’ll pay no heed.

If you can’t come to France,
Let it dwell in your heart.
Let your heart and soul dance,
Wine and cheese play their part!
Know that all around you
People can love as you do,
They are much more like you
Than you let yourself know.

Use your eyes to see what is,
The foolish, superficial and foul,
Peddled by the powerful,
Who want to have control.
Wake up and see the love
Which lies frightened
Behind the wary eyes,
Which no longer know
Which direction to go,
Due to their ‘Master’s’ lies.

Be brave and trust in goodness,
Though you take a slap or two.
Forget the inheriting weak,
And be a seeker for that which is true;
That the indomitable human spirit
Responds best to love and hugs,
And enjoy to the full, as is your due,
Watching the smiles falling from
Le Pen, Trump et alia’s ugly mugs!