Blog Archive

Friday, 21 April 2017

A Whimsy On The Dark Fears:
In a land where things are mostly good,
The trees are shielding us from the wood,
Dire dangers seem to all around us lurk
Or so our minds want to work.

When you’re walking through the park,
And hear a rustling in the dark,
It’s more like to be an owl,
Than some murderer most foul.
As you stagger home a little pissed,
It’s almost surely not a terrorist,
Who is standing waiting by your car,
But a drunken friend from the bar.
When you’re driving along the coast,
It is fairly unlikely that it’s a ghost,
That approaches, flashing, from the rear,
And far more likely the gendarmes, I fear.
But if a bird craps on your head,
You’ll be lucky all day, it’s said,
Or when a shooting star is seen,
Then you’ll have what ever you dream.
And if you find a four leafed clover,
Then all your troubles will soon be over,
And what’s at that lovely rainbow’s end,
Will make you the banker’s very best friend.
In the irrational we find such oddities to treasure,
Which improve our lives well beyond measure.
But the rational world has such imagined fear,
And that, dear friends, I really find most queer. :)
Mare Horribilis, Mare Vitae:

It is a mournful silver Moon, no smile on her face, all her tears 
Spent long and long ago, reluctantly cutting through her endless 
Course, pulling soft on the Earth’s blighted blanket of the seas. 
No mermen and maids swim where they had dwelled in times 
Of magic; no strands of hair float, betraying their presence.
No fishes, no sharks, dolphins, turtles or great whales are there. 
No little sea horses canter proudly, heads held high, around 
Underwater courses, an audience of excited shrimp, and stolid, 
Wide-eyed groupers enthralled by the show, cheering them on.

Slime, oil and tar slick the surface, a vomited memo from man.
Reluctant lunar fingers recoil in deep, despairing and growing 
Disgust as they touch her old friend’s sickly, putrescent shroud.
Across the planet little breathing can be heard now, and that all 
Gasping,  rasping in search of the rare and thin traces of oxygen, 
As the fetid phytoplankton rot, and dying algal blooms form  
Stinking mats, sluggishly riding the lurching, ponderous waves,
The very last and largest of the surfers unseen, and their stench 
No longer assailing and abusing long gone olfactory nerves.

Standing like so many rotting teeth, some almost submerged, 
On the water’s edge and along new, despoiled and ragged shore 
Lines, are blackened tree stumps stripped bare by acid rain.
Stark white bones of beasts lie, carelessly scattered, making a 
Tragic, un-mourned mosaic of piano keys designed by a mad, 
Uncaring deviant deity, left for harsh winds and rains to play. 
Streams which ran to the rivers, to the lakes, to the seas, once 
Alive and then choked by dead fishes, run free of impediment.

Those dead-eyed folk who remain have long ago ceased to find 
Succour in visiting once charmed faery woods, meadows and 
Wandering, hallowed country parks, now all metamorphosed
Into reeking charnel houses, even echoes of their beauty lost.   
Where life had flourished, thrived, now scrub grasses, moss and
Small shrubs reign supreme, and that supremacy to be short 
Lived, as with those few tenacious insects and subterranean 
Dwellers still finding niches where they survive – for now.

No longer is the whir of wings, the bee’s hum or any bird song 
Heard, though there are precious few now to hear it, and
Those too busy scratching about to stay alive to have noticed or 
Appreciated it, or if they had, only as a possible source of food. 
No chorus at dawn, no mellifluous, haunting calls of waking 
Owls at dusk; no bats throw their bodies, twisting, lunging, 
Spiralling through the air, now the killer of that which had 
Helped to sustain them, the once dancing skies purged of life. 

Cancers brought low the billions, no respecter of any genus.  
Herbivores suffered least, dying first.  Cannibalism became a 
Norm, first with the dead but then with less discrimination, as 
Many creatures slipped, slow or fast, into a depraved savagery, 
Including those who in their over-weaning arrogance and pride 
Destroyed the planet they relied on for life and are about to 
Depart with no trace of honour or dignity, starved as all others, 
The lowly beasts, made equal as a thick, greasy mist smothers 
The land they had loved, foul toxic rain with berserker winds 
Raping the skies.  Has God, weeping turned her eyes elsewhere?

In the city some hang on a little longer, scavengers fighting, 
Killing for rusty cans of prunes and such delights, too tired to 
See the beauty now offered in the cold arms of Sergeant Death.
The meek have not inherited the Earth; they are the lucky ones.
The Moon’s dejected light catches cockroaches scuttling in the 
Shadows, their success at last completed in their long running, 
Bitter battle for dominance with rats, but if they now wish to
Revel, sing and dance in strange cockroach ways, their victory 
Exultance will be short, soon to turn to despairing ululations.

Now picture this; the strange, scratching peace is broken by a 
Clap of thunder, harbinger for the on-coming deluge of rain. 
The few living things left to do so, desperately make for refuge, 
Away from its lashing whip and careless, corrosive harsh caress. 
Even the perverse plant life that remains, now grows away from
Light, shunning the sickly sun’s guileful rays, that sly quisling
In the Dealing of Death, moving to spots with more of shelter. 

The mucus-sea slides its way through streets, doorways and 
Windows long shattered, forcing itself and its law upon a land 
Now not even a shadow of what it was; a sick, and corrupted, 
Psychotic; an amoral triumphant killer, dealing slow, deliberate,
Painful death to all those who had used and abused her so.

Suddenly an artificial light lacerates the perilous darkness, 
Stunning the Moon and sending the few denizens left to dwell 
In the filthy remnant scum of civilisation, scuttling back, 
Begging the lifesaving shadows to draw them further in. 
Tearless Selene watches as a small craft comes to life, exiting 
The feculence of the pitiful, betraying promise of the city to 
Glide silently, with surreal certainty in an uncertain world,
Its bizarre, unlikely destination the noxious water, where it 
Continues, without pause, on its way and then submerges.

Steadily the craft creeps down through slime, the few fronds
Of dying plants and fluid fields of death towards the depths, 
And with time safely docks within a titanic artificial sea-cavern. 
Three crew exit and make their way slowly through water filled 
Tunnels to a control room where, exhausted but relieved, they
Wait to be debriefed, minds a deluge of data and new certainty.

The Leader nods as they sign their report.  The planet is on the 
Brink of being unable to maintain life forms requiring oxygen. 
Certainly, deoxygenation of the sea is coming to levels which,
Within a few full circuits of the local star, will give conditions
Ideal to allow the colonists to be woken from their centuries of
Cryogenic sleep and be shuttled down from the mother-ships
To take full possession of this convivial, perfect and truly

God-given planet.  Through all their generations of travel, the 
Dangers, their travails, fears and woeful losses, they had never 
Dared dream in their wildest dreams of finding such a Paradise.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

For Tom and Cat Driscoll on their marriage


I walked in the land of the three
Moons, where the wolf lies down with
The lamb, there to find the oldest
Partners to ask them, what is love?

“Love changes and deepens. It is not always 
The fiery inferno experienced in early days.  
Nurture it as you would a delicate flower
And it will grow, change and bloom.”

The two suns chasing the moons from
The sky, I searched then for young lovers
As they, in their innocence and sheer joy,
Walked hand in hand, in their inner paradise. 

“New love burns like an internal fire, bringing
Madness and ecstasy, often in equal measure.  
Separation can bring pain.  Beauty seen 
Without your lover to share it with hurts.”

So, on I slowly continued, beside a chortling
Stream, fish darting, scales scintillating in the 
Sun’s light as a kingfisher flashed down for 
Lunch; I found two lovers bathing there.

“Love is union, two bodies entwining, being 
One, wanting, needing, healthily lusting,
Laughing and then more wild, or languid, 
Loving. With our bodies, we each worship.”

On I travelled, through the wide, fresh-green 
Meadows of the two rivers, in search of a wise 
Hermit who dwelled by a silent lake, eating 
Only lotus leaves, and asked her, what is love?

“It is pain free compromise, give and take,
Looking for agreement around middle ground.
Sometimes it is admitting that you are wrong
Even when you know that you are not.”

I walked then to an Ale House, set in a tiny
Village which was tucked into a pocket at
The side of a gently rolling hill, and there
Asked my question of a very wobbly man.

“Love is knowing when to lie to your partner 
And when not to. If you are asked if her 
Bottom looks big in this, before you go out
You tell the truth.  If it’s after, then you lie.”

I travelled further through these enchanted 
Lands of singing rivers, burping frogs acting 
As orchestra to accompany their songs.  There
I asked of a thoughtful Tyrant, recently retired.

“It is not about dominance, or psychological
Warfare. Love will wither and die if one being 
Feels the need to dominate the other; if that is 
So, it needs must cease.  So I’ve now learned.”

I asked then Melania, his Queen whose beauty 
The Tyrant had coveted as a trophy, and who, 
Finishing her inner weeping, was learning to 
Smile and find hope in her new-born spouse.

“Point scoring against each other, unless it is 
In jest, is vile and dangerous, and thinking that 
You possess your partner has no place in love,
Leading to true love eroding and its death.”

I flew then, on broad-winged Pegasus, through 
Air enchanted by unicorn song and odours of
Sweet blossoms, and sought she who had lost 
Her true love, yet still held him in her heart.

“Be you caring and nurture each blessed day,
Love becomes also friendship, your lover, 
Your best friend. You think it so when first 
You love.  This is seldom true. Strive!”

I flew on through the wild and snow-peaked
Mountains to ask of love from two wise
Philosophers, wed to each other, both atop
Their own summit, holding each other’s hand.

“Love requires space for both but also 
Exploring shared passions and understandings.
It is, too, a true expression of love not to force
Your partner to share all that animates you.

On again I travelled, over the gentle waters to
A gold flaked isle where a principled Owl
Was oracle, his hooted wisdom discernible 
To all, it was said, and there I learned yet more.

“Love is about empathy, trying to understand 
And feel the why and wherefore of your lover,
Walking a mile in your partner’s shoes, really
And deeply searching to feel what they feel.”

I waved farewell as I departed that gilded isle
And floated in search of new shores, where 
There stood a silver statue which assented to 
Speak as a prophet for the Goddess Aphrodite. 

“Love requires grace.  What is grace?  Grace is 
Pure acceptance without judgement; grace to 
Receive praise; grace to give true forgiveness; 
Grace to be forgiven; humble grace in love.”

On dragon-back I continued my search for
Wisdom about that which makes us feel most 
Alive, though not pledging happiness, and 
There by a lake listened to a Willow weeping.

“Love is a thing you need to treasure, to hold 
Firm after a spat or hurt, when it is hardest.  
Remember your love and nurture it, cherish it, 
Even when you are aching or in a rage.”

My next steps took me to the Rainbow City
Where a night-black unicorn with a platted tail
And a wedding ring upon her front left hoof
Answered me and echoed thus the Willow:

“Love needs to be cherished and cultivated.
Don’t take it for granted. Do not forget, 
Especially when times are hard, that through 
This love from this person, you are blessed.”

Again I journeyed, now through a lush green
Valley where butterflies flitted and sang
Soft songs, and there I met a couple, both
Holding a bouquet of flowers, who said:

“Love is about feeling special and making
Your partner feel likewise, but not resenting
That it’s not possible all of the time.  Be aware 
That the brightest candle can burn shortest.”

On I continued my voyage along an exquisite 
Beach by a sea of aquamarine.  Here I met a 
Small creature, sweet, delicate featured and 
Rainbow-winged, a child’s tooth in her hand.

“Love is about small things, the unnecessary 
Gentle touch and kiss, an unexpected, ‘I love 
You’ and celebrations of non-birth days. Gifts, 
Too.  The reason? The elation in your love.”

My next visit was with a mystic, two headed
Creature of great beauty, both heads now
Smiling, content, but bodily a little creased 
From trying to pull one way or another.

“Love is thinking about your partner before 
Yourself, and knowing they do the same for 
You.  It is also about accepting that you
Won’t always manage this, either of you.”

At the end of my journey in search of love’s
Meaning I met an emaciated man who
Leaned against wire fencing, tall chimneys
Behind him belching foul smelling smoke.

“Love is what you hold on to when there is 
Nothing left to hold on to, nothing left to live 
For, no rational hope - but that certainty of 
Love gives meaning to struggling on.”

At the same fence, standing unseen by the 
Emaciated man, supporting his wrecked body 
Was an Angel, or some such.  To her I asked 
The same question and she answered me thus.

“Love is varied, individual and twixt two
People, whatever their gender, age, creed
Colour, political affiliation or any other
Irrelevant ‘difference’.  Love is personal.” 

She gently laid the man’s body down, his last 
Expression a smile, and she spoke on. “It 
Brings more to lives than wealth, or comfort – 
Is indeed supreme and part of the God-head.”

I bowed my thanks and turned then from that 
Horrific place and saw even there, there was 
Bird-song and the sun and a man who smiled
His last breath because his love made him free.

As I walked away I pondered.  Love is not a 
Simple thing, not to find, nor to keep.  If one 
Has the good fortune to feel it and it to be 
Reciprocated, treasure that magical flower.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

The Broken Winged Angel:

In a ditch, they were when I found them,
A young lad, battered, raiment in tatters, 
Unshod, with his fine, strong fingers and
Toes webbed, gills clear marked in his
Neck.  The other confused me also and 
Ere I understood my mind needs must  
Somersaults  do, for this figure indeed 
Was difficult to discern.  An adult, yeah, 
But how was the face covered thus by a
Gnarled wing, feathers charred, some
Down to the base?  T’was odd indeed! 

I saw the lad draw breath, gasping with 
His mouth as though uncertain as to the
First moment learned act of breathing.  
Mastering it, however, allowed a more 
Gentle rhythm for the rise and fall of
His young chest, though gills too fanned 
The air, a birth-habit too hard to lose.

The Winged-One, lying there, innocent 
Among the fetid filth, appeared not
To breath and yet the tortured wing did
Twitch and I understood, knowing not 
Why, this being lived still and had a 
Spirit more extraordinary than any I
Had heretofore encountered or would.

I thought no more on it but scrambled
Down, first to the lad, comatose
But whole, and then to the other more
Perplexing soul.  He must have heard
Me and the broken wing swiftly rose
Revealing a face possessed of such a 
Wondrous beauty it fair took my breath 
Away!  I gawked, yokel-like and fell, 
Vertiginous, into the deepest of eyes.  
Gold they were, full of love and wisdom.  
I gasped and forced my senses to return.
As I reached down to raise him up
His hand reached mine and an electric 
Charge ran through my being entire!

He rose slow but strong, his wings
Closing somewhat crooked behind,
And reached down to lift the Lad, a
Move of extraordinary tenderness.
I hefted him, lad in his arms, and
With a strength I knew not that I
Possessed had them up on the track
And me alongside them in instants.

The Winged-One inspected with the
Greatest of care every fine feature of
The land around; forest in the most
Part but jollied up by a singing stream. 
There too my faithful Tulpar stood,
Aysilu, her soft eyes filled with a high 
Curiousity, her wings aquiver, slight.
We had spoke not yet a single word
And so it was I gestured that he should
Ride with the lad and I would lead.  He
Mounted with the ease of practice, boy
Held tight.  Aysilu would not take
Flight with any but me, and thus I
Walked and she, obedient, followed.

The Winged-One asked not where it was
We were going, satisfied, it seemed
To place their destiny in my hands.
So it was we trudged aside the cheery
Stream, twixt trees and shrub, bird
Call and the insect buzz accompanying
Us in the cooling sunlight.  The twins
Rose above the horizon, their gyre
Heralding the coming of dark, and I
Pressed on a little faster, desirous
Not to be out with my companions,
So vulnerable, when the Night Mares
Rose to dominate the hours ‘til dawn.

At last the clearing came in sight as I
Heard the first rustlings in the shadows,
And knowing us safe I turned and to
The Winged-One spake my first words.
“Welcome to my Fastness.  Here it is
That thou may in safety rest, tend to thy
Wounds and those of the lad.  Thou art
Under my protection and welcome.  My
Hearth and Hold are thine henceforth, if 
It please thee, ‘til such time as thou so
Wish to take thy leave, and that with
My assistance.”  He smiled his beatific
Smile which caressed my very soul
And with a voice more musical than
Ere music I had heard, and a bow of
The head he said just, “My thanks to
Thee and thine, and blessings be upon
Thee for your kindness.”  I nodded, a
Strange sense of being loved taking
Hold of me.  I turned, perplexed, and
Led Aysilu through the Great Doors
Opened by my Kinsmen, there guarding.

As they sealed behind us, safeguarding 
Our safety, slid he from the tulpar and
Now weary-weak, turned and passed
The lad to my care ere he dropped him.
“Thou hast within this, thy safe domain, 
Perchance, a pool, a pond or wide well?”  
I told him that indeed it was so and
Surmising his intent straightway took 
Him to the great bath house where the
Stream rose, refreshing each minute
The water therein.  He bade me then
To lay the lad in its embrace.  With
Caution I stepped then in, my kinsman
Jamet swiftly rescuing my long-gun,
Pistol and gutting knife from the rust.
As I lowered there the lad my eyes flew
Back and forth to the Winged-One.
He smiled again, again my soul rang.
“All will be well for him; fear not. 
He needs that which he is most used
To, so be it that his body can mend.”  
His countenance then took on a darker
Mien.  “As to his mind, we will know
Not until his body is restored, for his
Existence, over and again, be full of 
Suffering beyond thy imagining.”

As I held the lad, now full-submerged
His gills developed a deep rhythm and
His eyes flew open, confused then so
Terror filled I gasped.  The Winged-One
Took his view and he near straightway
Tranquil.  His eyes to me returned and
As they closed he smiled.  Bid then to
Release him, content was I that he was
Safe.  As I stepped forth to dry, Jamet
Passing me towel and robe, a howling
Cacophony assailed our ears and alarm
Took the Winged-Ones eyes.  “What 
Troubles thee?”  I asked.  His gold eyes 
Dropped once more to the lad. “The
Hell-Hounds have found us yet again.
I have been sadly inept in the covering
Of our trail.  They must not harm thee 
And thine.  I shall take the child and we 
Will look to luck and my dear Master.”  
I uncertain stared.  “I know not thy Hell-
Hounds but they are not welcome here if 
They disturb thee, or indeed us.  As to
Leaving, I think not.  They will not enter 
In.”  He shook his head sadly and went 
To fetch the lad from his sleep.  I held 
His arm and he turned, questioning. 
“What ere they be, the force-field will 
Not give access.”  Astonishment took
Him, almost comical it was to see. He
Turned straight to me.  “Thou sayest
‘Force field’?”  I nodded.  “Aye, t’is
A necessity to deter the Night Mares
And sad mutant folk.”  He relaxed, the
Burden he had borne in his heart flying
From his exhausted frame, and silently
I, to a nearby chamber led him where he
Could take his rest.  There he smiled
Once more and fell down upon the bed,
Insensible, it seemed before his fair head
Had the pillow warmed, and thus he
And the lad rested for two whole cycles.


As my guests slept thus my Kinsmen 
And I prepared we our defences, and for 
Use of arms.  I thoughtful, ascended up 
The winding steps within the Hold’s 
Folly, as we had oft thought, the old high 
Tower, built by my great grandfather 
When he first settled Free with his small 
Brigade of men at arms and constructed 
With care, our Fastness, building at the 
First this fortification.  It was where I 
Wouldst most oft choose when reflective 
Thought held me in its thrall.  Now, I 
Needs must upon irony muse, for my 
Great grandfather had no folly built!

As I stepped out once more, seeing anew  
The High Tower’s battlemented parapet, 
Second Light had arisen and thus there 
Was, crystal clear, a view of those who, 
Menacing, stood surrounding the force 
Field and exterior walls of my ancient 
Keep.  Thus, also it was, I experienced
The ill-gifted and noxious odour, that of
Rotting flesh we warriors know so well.

‘Hell Hounds’ he had called them, the 
Winged-One.  Certes they were foul of 
Aspect, well matching their cloying and 
Most sickly stench.  Like hounds of no 
Type I had seen before; more wolves of 
An horrific sort, but larger by far.  Many 
Beyond the counting lay, lifeless by the 
Force field, oft piled several high, one 
Corpse lying upon foul remains of its 
Fellows.  A myriad others stood, now 
Silent, that being more disquieting than 
Their prior tumult.  More unsettling still 
Was the way their numbers grew on, no 
Matter the magnitude of dead, and more, 
Too, were prepared in droves to perish 
Thus against the flagging shield.  Even 
Spread they were now, around all the 
Fastness, organised and directed like no 
Wolves I had ever seen heretofore, on 
Free or any of the planets I battled upon. 

A team of our snipers, long guns slung at 
Their backs, came too from within the
High Tower.  They unslung and placed
Upon their weapons silencers and slid  
Over the sighting eye a sight-screen, that  
Which identified, though not obvious to 
The human eye, targets where their 
Leaders stood among that growing 
Horde, fed in real time analysis by the 
Hold’s Central Processors.   On mine 
Command the triggers were squeezed 
And wolves began to fall, the Kinsmen 
Rapidly retargeting on others amongst 
That most foul multitude.  Swift it was, 
The resultant chaos.  The weird silence 
And the organisation broke, with many 
Of the creatures turning on each other; 
Still more returned in haste to what poor 
Cover the forest offered.  As that select 
Few were removed, so the snipers turned 
To other, random targets, encouraging a 
Further flight and chaos.  As they fled 
Many would find a bullet’s embrace, not 
Surcease, as they fell to the long guns of 
Airborne Kinsmen who had, used their 
Tulsars, to fly high and just behind them. 

As I climbed down the steps to order  
Time for all to eat and take repose, 
I Knew we had not broken them, but it 
Gave us and the force field some respite.  
Would that the Mother-Ship were within 
Hailing, but no!  She was off out of the 
System for replenishment of materiel.  
Would, too, The Covenant allowed arms 
Stronger than the long gun upon the 
Planet Free but it was not so.  T’was not
A good situation we were facing, under 
Armed, under manned and under attack 
From this growing and repulsive throng.

I found them thus, with my dear kinsman 
Jamet, a platter and such by their sides, 
Well cleared as they sat, companionable
By the poolside.  The precious lad now 
Looked fine rested and well, talking as
He was, with animation.  Jamet smiled 
With tender affection, a fine warrior he,
But with a divinely spiritual heart and 
Soul also.  Whosoever he led would 
Follow him into the very entryway of the 
Oft rumoured Planet Perdition.  By his 
Side sat the Winged-One, his battered 
Wing somewhat straighter now.  He it 
Was who turned immediate and alert as I 
Entered.  Seeing no threat, he smiled the 
Smile that warmed the soul.  It fell away 
To a more grim countenance as he asked 
Concerning the Hell Hounds.  I told it 
True as was right and he o'er again said 
He leave must with the lad and take this 
Danger away from our hearth and home.  
I asked would his wings serve to hasten 
His safe departure but he showed that 
One was broke straight through!  As I 
Considered his control of pain he then 
Asked if he could borrow my Aysilu and 
It was my wretched task to explain that 
Though he rode upon her as we walked 
On, she was bonded to me alone, as all 
Our tulsars were so bonded, and they 
Would not carry off an outsider.  I then 
Clarified, “It is not hopeless, though 
Their pack appears to continue growing.  
How be that so, for they are none from 
Our Free?”  He frowned slight, and then 
Responded thus, “My friend, we are not 
Of this time or place.  In a situation most 
Dire, in clear desperation I slipped us 
From that world of water to the place 
Between the spheres, and here we came.  
My thought was that we would be free 
From the hunt a while, but it is not so 
And we have visited now a peril upon 
Thy fastness.  We needs must leave and 
Fall upon their foul Master’s unlikely 
Mercy.”  I told him straight he would not 
Leave for I had oath-sworn to safeguard 
Him and the lad.  I then came up short, 
My mind a jangle.  “What sayest thou?  
Their Master? Tell me of thus for it 
Paints a picture that’s altogether new!”

T’was fortuitous indeed we had whisper 
Packs aplenty with us, brought down to 
Service and to check their functionality.  
We could, certes, have our tulsars rode 
But their wings spanned right wide and 
Made the approach through the forest 
Filled with peril and noise.  So it was we 
Ten in this chosen squad used out packs 
And lay high above the wolves, awaiting 
The Winged-One’s step forth as bait, for 
He confident was their Master wouldst 
Come hither and crow at his capture.  
Were he wrong, demise would rapid be!

The Great Doors now opened.  Slow 
They were, to give the watchers time for 
Expectation, and then the Winged-One 
Stepped out, seemingly a body bag upon 
His back.  His voice pierced the silence. 
“Go, tell he who leads thee, I am come 
To, make parley, for the Anointed One 
Hath journeyed on to higher realms and I 
Needs must return him as proof and for 
Honourable committal.  After thy Master 
Hast, careful, inspected my sorry pack 
For actuality, I will be his for whatever 
Should please him, after my dread task is 
Undertaken and complete.  Make it so, 
And tarry ye not, for I, Christóforos The 
Carrier, have spoken with heavy heart.”

As he spoke I heard a noise so familiar 
And yet still it set my nerves on edge.  
I Kicked in the turbo on the whisper pack 
And plunged downward in desperation 
Snatching up tight the Winged-One just 
Before a plasma bolt splashed where he 
Had stood.  It appeared thus then, that 
The Hell Hound’s Master knew naught 
Of their interdiction absolute, or cared 
Less!  As I thus proceeded, my squad 
Plummeted to the weapon, only to see its 
Controller take a bizarre movement, a 
Half pace forward, half to each side, and 
Then disappear.  Their training was 
More than fortunate indeed, for they 
Their own turbos fired and safe skyward 
Fled, evading thus the shrapnel of the 
Plasma gun as it, with very great force, 
Exploded, killing then countless of the 
Noxious Hell-Hounds in the periphery.

The Winged-One looked at me, right 
Stern.  “My thanks, of course, are most 
Profound, and to you I will forever be 
Indebted.  The Hell Hound’s Master is 
Most serious in wanting my demise. 
Underestimated have, the impatience  
And anger which must lie deep within.  
That, indeed, or his fear of his overseer.
I needs must ask, though, since thou 
Didst not thy tulpars use, as I had wrong  
Believed you would for this futile 
Operation, but used jet packs, why is it 
Thou didst not offer them to me and the 
Child so we safe could have left thy fine 
Hold?  Surely they not so precious are!”
I smiled grimly.  “Aye, it occurred to me
So to do, for a soft moment, and then it 
Was that I asked myself, where wouldst 
Thou safely go?  Whatever means thou 
Utilised to get from the precious lad’s 
World of water to here was obvious not 
In thy gift now or thou wouldst have 
Thus departed.  So it is thou wouldst  
Remain here on Free, with the odious 
Hell-Hounds as companions in the kind 
Light of day and Night Mares and sad 
Mutants in the hours of darkness.  Now, 
If the force field fails, and almost certes, 
Yeah it will, then with my finest of the 
Warriors thou wilt depart one way or 
Another whilst we here hold a rear-guard 
Action which will bring them little joy.  
The squad with thee will conceal and 
Protect thee as best they can and with a 
Touch of luck and the good God’s grace 
Thou wilt be taken to our Mother-Ship 
On her return from her procurement run.  
There thou wilt be safe and they shall 
Aid thee in completing thy journey, safe.   
It the best is I can think of.  What sayest 
Thou?  Speak not for thyself, nor for me, 
Speak for that which is more precious 
Than all in this fastness, if thou spake 
True, and I believest that thou didst so 
Do, and tell me that this is not the way!”

The Winged-One, Christóforos, bowed 
Low his head fleetingly and then those 
Eyes of gold upon me fell and I knew 
Absolute, the ultimate sense of being 
Loved ere I couldst recollect in all my 
Multitude of turns of my being.  There 
Was no more the need to discuss and he 
Accompanied me, with the lad and a 
Squad of 10 of my most wily fighters, up 
The Tower once more, where too their 
Whisper packs Lay.  We looked down 
Upon the wall of the dead beasts and 
Knew the force field would fail ere long.  
By the Great Doors stood my Kinsmen 
With makeshift explosives – acid and tar 
Grenades to use when the doors fell and 
The crush of the beasts became impaled 
Upon the stakes.  We expected thus to 
Hold them there for some time at least, a 
Bottle neck blocked by their own dead.  
As they strained to enter.  Too, warriors 
In whisper packs would rain death down 
Upon them as our non-combatants and 
Children fled into our tunnels and away. 
Other handmade forms of death awaited 
Also, within the keep, enough, certes, to 
Purchase, though the cost be high, the 
Time crucial for the safe departure of 
Christóforos, the most precious anointed 
One and our folk, to scatter across the 
Forests to the labyrinthine deep caverns.

As all on the tower excepting me, drew 
On their whisper packs, the end seemed 
To lie close by.  The force field flickered 
A warning as a plasma weapon fired yet 
Again from the forest, and the hounds 
Seemed to sense their time was nigh.  
My Kinsmen sensed it too, and then the 
Most remarkable thing ever took place!
The weapon ceased firing and full chaos 
Stalked triumphant through the attacking 
Horde!  It took some instants, tense they 
Were, I can thee assure, until whatever  
Was harrying the rear made disarray to 
Those foremost in the attack.  All upon 
The tower took up their long guns and 
Thus we poured death into the cruel 
Horde, turning half to go back while half 
Attempted forward to flee.  The force 
Field no longer red-lined and we saw 
Then what had troubled them so, and 
Were e’en now slaying cosmic numbers.  
There, coming from the woodlands were 
More Night Mares than I could count.  
Ridden, they were, by mutants of every 
Form and dimension, and there, walking 
Calmly amidst them through the turmoil 
Came the Winged-Ones, each exquisite 
Near, as the broken winged Christóforos.   

More than a century now has passed 
Since that testing time.  When the Hell 
Hounds broke and ran, disappearing 
Back with their Master from whence 
They came, our first task was welcome 
And, by God above, the most wondrous 
Thing, a solemn Compact agreed twixt 
Hold and Mutes and Night Mares.  No 
More at odds, we would henceforth aid 
Each other should there be some further 
Undesirable interlopers on Free. The 
Passage of time has told of its success.  
So too has it told of mine, for I have 
Aged not and my Kinsmen age most 
Slow.  Before those dear Winged-Ones 
Accompanied Christóforos and the holy 
Lad back ere he came from and where 
Lay his dread destiny, an amulet was 
Given to our Christóforos and in but 
Moments his wing was full restored and 
He returned, I later learned, to a form 
Almost immortal and indestructible.      
It was then as this host prepared to bid 
Farewell he came and embraced me and 
To me too gave an amulet.  I wear it still 
And know should I his assistance need, 
Christóforos will come and stand by my 
Side, as it was mine own honour so to 
Stand by his.  He swore, too, that in the 
Certain hour of my death he would come 
To me and escort me at the last to that 
Place beyond this life where both Love 
And Mystery dwell and are unending. 

Finally, though, an enigma for me still, 
There was the lad.  His name I learned 
As these many years have rolled by and 
Christóforos has returned to my life to 
Guide me and my brigade to do battle 
For his Master.  The lad’s name was 
Emmanuel and it was, I believe, his 
Gentle touch as he bade me farewell 
Which made my amulet guard my body, 
That ages not.  Christóforos, will not 
Say, merely smiling his loving smile.

He is dead now, the dear lad, this many 
Decades, it transpires, but he knew it 
Would ever be thus.  And, too, the lad is 
Alive again!  He is the eternal Traveller, 
Moving from realm to realm, crossing  
All of times and spaces, giving his life of 
Purity as a sacrifice and template for all 
Others who would see, to follow.  I but 
Poorly understand, though his guardian 
And so oft companion Christóforos has 
Occasional, made mention of his task, 
But I know this; there never was such a 
Person in my long life who so radiated 
Goodness as the lad Emmanuel and my 
Most enigmatic friend and occasional 
Companion Christóforos.  I still a simple 
Warrior am, and most blessed.  So be it!