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Thursday, 20 April 2017

For Tom and Cat Driscoll on their marriage


I walked in the land of the three
Moons, where the wolf lies down with
The lamb, there to find the oldest
Partners to ask them, what is love?

“Love changes and deepens. It is not always 
The fiery inferno experienced in early days.  
Nurture it as you would a delicate flower
And it will grow, change and bloom.”

The two suns chasing the moons from
The sky, I searched then for young lovers
As they, in their innocence and sheer joy,
Walked hand in hand, in their inner paradise. 

“New love burns like an internal fire, bringing
Madness and ecstasy, often in equal measure.  
Separation can bring pain.  Beauty seen 
Without your lover to share it with hurts.”

So, on I slowly continued, beside a chortling
Stream, fish darting, scales scintillating in the 
Sun’s light as a kingfisher flashed down for 
Lunch; I found two lovers bathing there.

“Love is union, two bodies entwining, being 
One, wanting, needing, healthily lusting,
Laughing and then more wild, or languid, 
Loving. With our bodies, we each worship.”

On I travelled, through the wide, fresh-green 
Meadows of the two rivers, in search of a wise 
Hermit who dwelled by a silent lake, eating 
Only lotus leaves, and asked her, what is love?

“It is pain free compromise, give and take,
Looking for agreement around middle ground.
Sometimes it is admitting that you are wrong
Even when you know that you are not.”

I walked then to an Ale House, set in a tiny
Village which was tucked into a pocket at
The side of a gently rolling hill, and there
Asked my question of a very wobbly man.

“Love is knowing when to lie to your partner 
And when not to. If you are asked if her 
Bottom looks big in this, before you go out
You tell the truth.  If it’s after, then you lie.”

I travelled further through these enchanted 
Lands of singing rivers, burping frogs acting 
As orchestra to accompany their songs.  There
I asked of a thoughtful Tyrant, recently retired.

“It is not about dominance, or psychological
Warfare. Love will wither and die if one being 
Feels the need to dominate the other; if that is 
So, it needs must cease.  So I’ve now learned.”

I asked then Melania, his Queen whose beauty 
The Tyrant had coveted as a trophy, and who, 
Finishing her inner weeping, was learning to 
Smile and find hope in her new-born spouse.

“Point scoring against each other, unless it is 
In jest, is vile and dangerous, and thinking that 
You possess your partner has no place in love,
Leading to true love eroding and its death.”

I flew then, on broad-winged Pegasus, through 
Air enchanted by unicorn song and odours of
Sweet blossoms, and sought she who had lost 
Her true love, yet still held him in her heart.

“Be you caring and nurture each blessed day,
Love becomes also friendship, your lover, 
Your best friend. You think it so when first 
You love.  This is seldom true. Strive!”

I flew on through the wild and snow-peaked
Mountains to ask of love from two wise
Philosophers, wed to each other, both atop
Their own summit, holding each other’s hand.

“Love requires space for both but also 
Exploring shared passions and understandings.
It is, too, a true expression of love not to force
Your partner to share all that animates you.

On again I travelled, over the gentle waters to
A gold flaked isle where a principled Owl
Was oracle, his hooted wisdom discernible 
To all, it was said, and there I learned yet more.

“Love is about empathy, trying to understand 
And feel the why and wherefore of your lover,
Walking a mile in your partner’s shoes, really
And deeply searching to feel what they feel.”

I waved farewell as I departed that gilded isle
And floated in search of new shores, where 
There stood a silver statue which assented to 
Speak as a prophet for the Goddess Aphrodite. 

“Love requires grace.  What is grace?  Grace is 
Pure acceptance without judgement; grace to 
Receive praise; grace to give true forgiveness; 
Grace to be forgiven; humble grace in love.”

On dragon-back I continued my search for
Wisdom about that which makes us feel most 
Alive, though not pledging happiness, and 
There by a lake listened to a Willow weeping.

“Love is a thing you need to treasure, to hold 
Firm after a spat or hurt, when it is hardest.  
Remember your love and nurture it, cherish it, 
Even when you are aching or in a rage.”

My next steps took me to the Rainbow City
Where a night-black unicorn with a platted tail
And a wedding ring upon her front left hoof
Answered me and echoed thus the Willow:

“Love needs to be cherished and cultivated.
Don’t take it for granted. Do not forget, 
Especially when times are hard, that through 
This love from this person, you are blessed.”

Again I journeyed, now through a lush green
Valley where butterflies flitted and sang
Soft songs, and there I met a couple, both
Holding a bouquet of flowers, who said:

“Love is about feeling special and making
Your partner feel likewise, but not resenting
That it’s not possible all of the time.  Be aware 
That the brightest candle can burn shortest.”

On I continued my voyage along an exquisite 
Beach by a sea of aquamarine.  Here I met a 
Small creature, sweet, delicate featured and 
Rainbow-winged, a child’s tooth in her hand.

“Love is about small things, the unnecessary 
Gentle touch and kiss, an unexpected, ‘I love 
You’ and celebrations of non-birth days. Gifts, 
Too.  The reason? The elation in your love.”

My next visit was with a mystic, two headed
Creature of great beauty, both heads now
Smiling, content, but bodily a little creased 
From trying to pull one way or another.

“Love is thinking about your partner before 
Yourself, and knowing they do the same for 
You.  It is also about accepting that you
Won’t always manage this, either of you.”

At the end of my journey in search of love’s
Meaning I met an emaciated man who
Leaned against wire fencing, tall chimneys
Behind him belching foul smelling smoke.

“Love is what you hold on to when there is 
Nothing left to hold on to, nothing left to live 
For, no rational hope - but that certainty of 
Love gives meaning to struggling on.”

At the same fence, standing unseen by the 
Emaciated man, supporting his wrecked body 
Was an Angel, or some such.  To her I asked 
The same question and she answered me thus.

“Love is varied, individual and twixt two
People, whatever their gender, age, creed
Colour, political affiliation or any other
Irrelevant ‘difference’.  Love is personal.” 

She gently laid the man’s body down, his last 
Expression a smile, and she spoke on. “It 
Brings more to lives than wealth, or comfort – 
Is indeed supreme and part of the God-head.”

I bowed my thanks and turned then from that 
Horrific place and saw even there, there was 
Bird-song and the sun and a man who smiled
His last breath because his love made him free.

As I walked away I pondered.  Love is not a 
Simple thing, not to find, nor to keep.  If one 
Has the good fortune to feel it and it to be 
Reciprocated, treasure that magical flower.

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