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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Don’t fucking tell me that this tragedy isn’t political.
Don’t try to sidestep me with the heroes and the 
Community which rallies round so full of care. 
Don’t tell me this extraordinary tragedy is just one
Of those things, couldn’t be avoided. It could. The
Block went up like a sodding Roman candle. It was a
Pyrotechnic event in one of the wealthiest boroughs
In the world who pride themselves in keeping their
Council tax down so it doesn’t seem extravagant or
Socialist to the rich who live in their well-guarded,
Fire protected, safe houses where their children won’t
Burn to death, where people will not have to jump
Out of windows in flames. I tell you, this happened
Because the rich don’t care, the Tory councils don’t
Even understand what the lives of the people are like
In this fucking Roman candle and I have to wonder
If the bastards ever will. Don’t give me Public
Enquiry, give me homes for the poor which are
Safe. Give me a politics which serves the people
And not the rich. My heart weeps, my soul rages!