Translated from base Universal in the year 7036 of ‘The
Dwelf Confederation of Conglomerates And Independent
Domes’ the facts here recounted are most assuredly correct
and are beyond contradiction. Please forgive, though, this
humble writer if this translation is not quite as you expected.
It was in faith written.
The Dwelf:
He was a Dwelf. His Mama and Papa had told him how
He should be proud, for unique he was, like no other ever,
And that made him precious, special and beloved. And he
Was happy. They lived in an enviro-dome where they had
Cultivated trees. He loved to walk among them and lie in
The clearing, the soft scents of the forest embracing him, and
Stare out into the cold mystery of space. Often times he
Would see the laser defences spark another rock coming too
Close, and too loved he to watch as the great cargo freighters
Came with supplies and, most careful, loaded their cargoes of
Seedlings in return, seedlings bound for harsh planets on the
Deep and distant Rim where desperate folk searched the dark
And dangerous ruined cities of the Predecessors for Grail-Stuff
For The Mad Prophets, and yearned for beauty, and would, so
His dear Papa told him, for hours lie, quite entranced by their
Changing Songs as they grew from sapling to mighty oaks; it
Was always Oaks, for his Mama was an Oak Singer, the most
Elite of the Tree Singers, reaching deep within the acorns and
Planting the seeds of music to live in their being. His Papa,
Too, was involved, delving deep in the ground, sliding through
Cracks in the asteroid’s geology, his sure instinct taking him
Unerringly to the caverns to collect the fungi planted there eons
Ago, for what purpose no one knew, which gave the trees their
Voices. And so it was he grew, strong, fast and keen to learn.
The time came, then, when he must leave the family enviro-
Dome, in his parent’s aging shuttle and go to one of the big
Conglomerate cooperatives where many and large were the
Domes that huddled together, there to stay with his Mama’s
Mama, and schooling receive. He had been excited when he
Had considered this day, but when he arrived through the lock,
Leaving all that was home behind, fear took him, for wherever
He looked he could not see the familiar blanket of space. All
Was people and things, and after but a few moments, a strange
Woman, tall she was, like his Mama, peering down at him, but
With no warmth in her eyes. She spoke only to ensure that he
Was who she thought he was and then turned, expecting that he
Would trot along, weighty bag upon his shoulder, behind her.
His heart and mind for home screamed, but tight-lipped his
Mouth remained, for he knew then, what he would be reminded
Daily, that he was not, for whatever reason, welcome, and so it
Would be, and he might as well accept it from the very start.
His room was somewhat Spartan but comfortable, and well
Equipped with the latest terminal, so much more sophisticated
Than his at home. His Grand-mère told him to unpack and put
All away in a tidy manner, and when finished to come and eat.
This done, having eaten a pleasant meal in silence, he returned
To his room, for that seemed to be the expectation, and called
His Mama and Papa. To them he lied, saying that all here was
Well, his Grand-mère lovely, and his first impressions of the
Conglomerate, most positive. His Mama looked uncertain for
She generally knew when he was lying, but his dear Papa was
Pleased and relieved, and his Mama found that tack more of a
Palatable one. His duty done he then, more tired than he had
Ever been before, to bed took himself and soon fell off to sleep.
The next morning his Grand-mère woke him, they breakfasted
In silence and she then took him to a school for the first time.
School was not as he had expected. He was not sure what he
Had expected but this definitely wasn’t it! The teacher greeted
Him pleasantly enough, introduced him to the class who were
All already sitting at their terminals, and then as they worked
Through their personalised learning he was given a terminal
And asked to work through an assessment to find the level for
His individual learning journey. It was childishly simple and
Wondered he if this was to make him feel reassured. He knew
Not, so completed it. The teacher came back to him and had a
Look at his results, grunted slightly, he thought in surprise, and
Then set up another assessment which equally simple proved.
This continued on, assessment after simple assessment until the
Recess, when all the children left their terminals and walked
Through one of the classroom doors into a small park. He did
Not like it much, as there were no trees, but it made him yearn
Once more for home. He could learn there, from his own old
Terminal, but knew that the Covenant required that he attend a
School, partly, he knew, so that children would mix with others
And social skills learn. As it was, no child spoke to him and
They all their distance kept. Thus it was all day, the teacher
Becoming, it seemed, slightly irritated as he sailed on through
The assessments. At the end of the day when his Grand-mère
Came the teacher spoke with her at length. She looked mildly
Surprised and, he thought, perhaps a little pleased, when she
Glanced at him from time to time during this quiet briefing.
The next day his Grand-mère took him to another school, very
Similar it was, but with older children. The pattern of the first
Day repeated was and he, for a moment, wondered if he was to
Give the wrong answers, would this make life easier. He could
Not, however, and by the end of the fourth day at the fourth of
The Conglomerates schools, his Grand-mère decided that the
Situation was absurd – she was a woman who did not face an
Inefficient system with much patience – and on the fifth day
He was taken to a room with adults filled and, he saw with joy,
Extremely sophisticated terminals. Here, for the first time, he
Found some of the assessments quite interesting and by recess
Time he was actually answering some quite challenging and
Complex questions and was not certain he was always right.
Recess provided an interesting life lesson which his previous
School visits had made him ponder on. This school having no
Park area, the students stayed in their learning room, some of
The folk leaving their terminals to talk, others dialling some
Variety of beverage from the reconstitutor. He stayed where
He was and, as surreptitiously as possible, watched and made
A serious effort to listen to his older fellows. In some ways he
Wished he had not. Various folk discussing him were, some
Referring to him as a ‘smart little mute, too smart’ and viewed
The relationship between his parents, who they seemed to have
Knowledge of, variously as an aberration, perversion or quite
An extraordinary and unpleasant miracle. So taken was he by
These unwelcome judgements he did not his teacher notice
Who was watching him, watching them. He was surprised as a
Result as she touched him gently on the shoulder. Turning, he
Saw at once that she knew what he had heard and that she did
Not share the view. “We live in dangerous times as somebody
As well-read as you probably know. There is conflict between
The two ‘Folk’, thus the sad souls on the Deep Rim search for
Grail-Stuff, that one set of folk can show greater strength of
Arms than the other and break the stalemate. T’is said by more
Each day that such would lead to The Mad Prophets calling for
War. These people speak out of fear of you because you are
Different and because their views have into bigotry polarised.
We are not all like that, you must know, and it is not personal.”
He thanked her sincerely and then turned back to his terminal
And began to attack increasingly interesting assessments, his
Heart and mind closing to the hostility against him. He was
Here to learn, and he wanted to learn. The views of the sadly
Frightened folk should not be allowed to him touch. They
Were not real and his teacher showed they were not universal.
That day, too, was one which changed his relationship with his
Grand-mère. At the end of the day when she him collected
And went into the daily ritual of a huddle with the teacher, the
Huddle lasted longer and when she finished she smiled at him
For the first time. They over dinner talked and she asked him
About his feelings concerning what he had heard. He was very
Pleased that she was direct, and this directness resulted in a
Direct response from him and the beginning of a loving, and
Relationship most trusting, which was to last many years, up to
Her death. Suddenly, for the first time here, he felt safe and he
Also day by day found that he was happy. He school attended
Now, not to wade through assessments but to learn. As time
Passed and his class-mates got used to him, realising he was
Not so different after all, the prejudice seemed to evaporate and
He knew he was accepted at last when those who had talked so
Strongly against him started to ask about life on a solo enviro-
Dome and then him asked also for assistance with their studies.
And the word, across the Conglomerate spread, he was special.
The years slipped by most quick. Periodically he would say
Farewell to his Grand-mère, who he would miss, and went to
Visit his parents who always celebrated his return with such
Joy it was infectious. And when he was home he learned other
Things; he learned how to slide through fractures in the rocks,
How to sniff out the fungi and how to encourage its growth and
Use with the trees. To his Mama’s delight he showed, too, the
Talent she had, and a most proficient Tree Singer became in his
Own right. Their pride that he possessed both their skills made
Him forgive them for not telling him how his kind of ‘special’
Was not necessarily going to, by any other folk, be celebrated!
When home, too, as he older grew, he with his parents talked
About their story, how they had met and why their people were
So divided one from the other. At one of these talks, it was,
That he asked if he could spend some time now studying with
His Papa’s people. His Papa was delighted but his Mama was
Concerned, as his Papa had no kinfolk living, they having been
Wiped out in a great asteroid strike on their Conglomerate, a
Strike, that incidentally, his folk had initially put down as an
Attack by his Mama’s people. His Mama’s concerns were
Ameliorated most quick by his Grand-mère’s astounding offer
To accompany him as his guardian. This him made hesitate,
However, as he knew the prejudice she could well receive. She
Was her own woman though and insisted, and so it came about.
The old shuttle docked automatically and met they were by the
Ambassador who took them first to the Embassy. His first
Observation was that these were truly dangerous times; he
Thought the project foolhardy, especially for his Grand-mère,
And that he had found them secure accommodation but could
Not their safety guarantee. His Grand-mère thanked him, but a
Little curtly and he arranged transport to take them to their new
Home, where he would also meet later in the day the person
Who would his teacher be, and responsible be for his learning
Programme. The accommodation was pleasant enough other
Than the high wall surrounding it and the metal shutters which
At a moment’s notice all the windows and doors covered. It
Made them briefly ponder on what they’d let themselves in for.
His teacher, however, put them at their ease, explaining that it
Was true that tensions between the two people had risen; it was
True, but on an individual level, he believed they would be as
Safe as anywhere, though to his shame, he imagined that the
Present state of fear might lead to some remarks hostile. They,
In turn, assured him that they understood perfectly and thanked
Him for his concern. They both liked him for his honesty, too.
The height which he had inherited from his Mama, made him
Considerably taller than all the folk in his school, or indeed in
The whole Conglomerate. His Grand-mère, too, was, easily
Identifiable as ‘one of them’ and he concerned was at first for
Her safety, since he had inherited from his Papa his broadness
And physical strength, where she appeared most frail amongst
These stocky folk. His teacher, however, turned out right to be
And after initial staring and prejudice which led only to verbal
Enmity, things settled down and he made friends with his new
Class mates, again considerably older than he was, and his dear
Grand-mère manage to a place wheedle in the class, learning
Most specifically all she could about the culture and history of
Their hosts, which to many her endeared. So it was, then, that
He too included those studies in amongst his other areas, for he
Wished to know and understand his Papa’s folk just as he had
Learned the story of his Mama’s, and at the last became expert
In both. Through his now totally individual programme he also
Another expertise developed, delving, as he was into the great
Mystery that was the Predecessors. And as he and his beloved
Grand-mère studied thus, just as with his Mama’s folk word
Was spread of the Dwelf and instead of disdain, folk now were
Treating him with a touch of wonder. He preferred the disdain!
As the years rolled by it became the custom when he travelled
For his research, for his Grand-mère still to him accompany,
But on one such trip, feeling a little unwell, she remained in her
Home on the Conglomerate. Thus it was that she was there at
What was at the first called, ‘The Great Betrayal’, when it and
All the folk upon it, was destroyed. He escaped death, but at a
High price indeed, and as he returned to the Conglomerate of
His Papa’s folk he was fortunate again, and this time actually
Witnessed the destruction from his Papa’s old shuttle. Indeed
Fortunate, that again he survived, there was even greater, tragic
Fortune, that he had the event seen, and the shuttle had, as was
The norm, recorded it all. This, it was, that prevented the two
Folk going precipitately to war, avoiding mutual annihilation.
He, immensely heavy and uncomfortable, sat awaiting to be
Called for evidence by the hurriedly formed Combined Council
Consisting of the most erudite folk from both his Mama’s and
His Papa’s folk. Near all folk, everywhere, had evacuated been
To places less vulnerable, and this Council was joined deep in
The crust of a large, mined out moon. He called was at the last
But was surprised not to be asked to recount his tale but to join
Them instead in a briefing. Soon, it was, that he realised why,
For one of his tutors on the Predecessors study was the speaker.
She pulled up a holo of a section of space in the Deep Rim and
Illustrated how something large was unseen and it only became
Apparent as it passed in front of stars, thus full occluding their
Light. This she then revealed to be the case in the holo taken
From his Papa’s old shuttle. They even witnessed a faint but
Certain incongruence in space as some kind of weapon was
Deployed mere moments before the total and almost instant
Destruction of the Conglomerate. The briefing then paused as
His old tutor him asked what he thought he had observed. One
Thing he was certain was that this was not a mechanism made
By the Predecessors. His research suggested sure that they had
Evolved to a point where they left their physical form, making
The move to another realm, reality, call it what you may, which
The Mad Prophets so tenuously understood and vainly wished
To emulate. He knew that they really understood not that this
Metamorphosis required a moral and spiritual journey so as to
Achieve a state of, the nearest he could get to in a translation
Was, grace. On this journey all that was violence based in any
Form was destroyed or evolved into some more peaceful use.
The Mechanism which was attacking them was one which had
Been designed, he suggested, by the Predecessor’s enemies to
Destroy them as they evolved. He had often read of such in his
Studies, translating from the ancient script, and the machines
Had been neutralised before any damage was caused. This one
Must have arrived late, the Predecessors having already made
Their transitions, and thus, he surmised, waited, dormant, to be
Awoken, probably by activity of searchers on the Deep Rim.
Attempts to communicate or to land on the vast craft had in the
Former case led to nothing and in the latter to full disaster. The
Efforts of the finest warriors from both cultures, with the finest
Equipment, and the first-rate scientists, using many and varied
Approaches, had all resulted in the deaths of those concerned.
Not quick, nor even marginally dignified deaths for those who
Managed ingress; a slow death of exploding, precipitated by
Some sonic weapon, and for those who had not died, again a
Sonic weapon, this time their minds scrambled. During this
Time of increasingly desperate, though often heroic, failures,
The machine, untroubled, turned now its attention to the more
Secure habitations containing the evacuees, causing gigantic
Numbers of deaths, and those unlucky ones who did not die but
Had their minds twisted so all they could feel was endless fear.
He had the weapon studied with great care and knew it to be as
The others had been, set deep within an asteroid, the weapon
Which it deployed consisting of rows after rows of crystals, all
Linked to cosmic amplifiers, and when in use, set to resonate at
Frequencies adapted to twist the molecular structure of specific
Items, carried then by some form of radiation to their target.
Armed with this knowledge and a strange sense of fate telling
Him this was why he created was, he landed the tiny flitter they
Had, in their increasing desperation, provided him with, after
Several dummy tests using ships of different sizes to see when
The defences were triggered. He slid back the canopy and with
Some relief, some trepidation, swung round and stood on the
Grey surface of the asteroid which protected well the machine.
His mind then he put into that place where his dear Papa had so
Diligently taught him to go, and slipped into a fracture he could
Perceive in the rock. Slowly his body slipped through the rock,
Sliding from one fracture into another, as only his Papa’s folk
Could, aiming with caution at the centre. Several times he had
To his movements retrace, fractures terminating, but at the last
He came through a slight crack and into a corridor, dimly lit.
He had not expected light! Light implied the presence of some
Thing which needed to be able to see. His researches had him
Led, erroneously it now appeared, to believe the machines to
Be automated fully. He proceeded with caution, nearly fouling
Himself when a little ‘bot scuttled into view but luckily it went
On its way, driven by a purpose which happily could not him
Include. The journey was not long, though he sickening sights
Did see, passing at the last oaken crosses upon which hung the
Remains of avian creatures, their corpses too far gone to make
Out much more than wings. Odd it was, too, that though they
Desiccated were, the impression of life he still received. There
Had been here a foulness beyond measure! Shake himself, he
Had to, and force himself on, and it was most soon that he had
To conceal himself, slipping again into a small fracture in the
Rock and then only with a scope pushed infinitesimally out of
The rocks surface, observed the great chamber in which the
Crystals stood in their serried rows. The scope did a 360° scan
And thus it was that he saw, suspended from the caverns high
Roof a console, a keyboard of sorts, at which reclined some
Kind of being, unrecognisable and concealed by many wires
And tubes which ran into its body from what he assumed was a
Medipac of sorts. It was hard to envisage, whatever it was,
Being mobile, able to utilise or traverse the corridors. Was it
The one responsible for the brutal cruelty he had just now been
Witness to? This was not as he had before thought. He was,
However, unable to make clear judgement, so he withdrew the
Scope and slid through fractures again, moving upwards slowly
Until he estimated with the instinct of his Papa’s folk, that the
Console and creature should be directly below him now. He
Was fortunate, indeed, to find a fracture so neatly placed, and
With the utmost concentration and caution slipped the scope
Out once more, just a tiny fraction, and looked upon the scene
Anew. The creature was, he now saw, in truth, astonishingly
Beautiful! It was humanoid, but winged, and had the most
Exquisite features he had ever looked upon. It was hard not to
Just sit and soak up its enchantment. There was a mismatch
Of extraordinary proportions between what it looked like and
What it was responsible for – so extraordinary, indeed, that the
Instincts he had inherited from his Mama led him to think that
He had somehow come to a completely wrong hypothesis as to
Its purpose here. He looked around again and saw what he had
Somehow overlooked before, his eyes probably sliding from it
Because of its size. It was a huge chair – surely not, and yet it
Could be nothing else! Placed it was on a large dais, somewhat
Above the height of the tallest crystal, and directly in line of
Sight, he noted, with the creature he now thought of as trapped
In the medipac. As he observed and pondered, the remarkable
Scene became considerably more remarkable still. There was a
Slight crackling noise and then appeared a hole in the air above
The dais and through the hole an enormous red horse appeared,
Upon its back an equally enormous rider, with a sword in hand!
The rider dismounted and sat in the huge chair, as he had quite
Obviously done before, and prodded a button inset in the arm
Of the chair, at which the trapped creature jerked violently and
Spasmodically for a considerable period, throughout which the
Horseman laughed uproariously. He then flicked a switch and
Some sort of holo appeared in front of him, clearly showing,
By some wild chance, it must most assuredly be, that he loved,
The Enviro dome which his parents had refused to evacuate,
Stating that their trees would die without attention, and that
Access they had, so his Mama told it, to a cavern, deep in the
Asteroid’s centre, a thing he knew not to be true; only his Papa
Had. As the Horseman focussed he on that terrifying image,
The beautiful, trapped creature looked up, as though sensing he
Was there. With his parent’s lives under obliteration threat he
Knew he most immediately had to act. He dropped from the
Rock onto the medipac and seeing the motion of the creature’s
Head, decided to risk it, and all the connections pull away. The
Creature flopped forward and then very slow rose up to its feet.
The Horseman glanced up and, noticing the movement, roared
Out with anger, lashing down hard on another control which
Set the crystals to a slow humming. With this he leapt back
Upon his horse and through the hole in space disappeared. The
Creature who he had released, him urged to return to the rock
Where he might some protection find. Ignoring him, he swung
From below the console and on the dais landed hard. Looking
For the controls upon the chair, he found them gone and thus it
Was that an instinct of his Mama’s folk again him prompted.
He began then to sing, singing clear the songs which awoke the
Oaks, and others he had learned beside, and while he sang the
Crystals slowly adapted their song and slid into a harmony with
Him. As he sang, the beautiful creature stared for a moment,
Awe struck, and then reached forward, his hands dancing over
The console’s strange keyboard, taking off line the amplifiers
And Lasers. Then it was that he flew to the dais and told of
What he had done, saying that all was safe now, and that they
Could go. His Grand-mère somehow then appeared in his mind
And told him this job was not finished, for the machine would
Still a tool be for the Horseman if he returned. Thus he sang
On, singing slow, low to high, ending with repeats, over and
Over, of the harshest of songs, that of the savagely carnivorous
Whipping Tree. The Crystals became slower at adapting their
Harmony, but this was at last synchronised and then he greatly
The speed increased. Faster and faster sang he, high and low,
The crystals starting to shudder in their sockets until at last the
Freed creature joined his voice, in counter point, and as on they
Sang, slowly at first, one by one, but then in entire rows, the
Crystals started to shatter. On they sang until the very last had
Torn itself apart. This was the tallest by far and as it shattered,
A shard flew up and across the dais, tearing into the chest of
The beautiful creature, a creature he now recalled, which the
Predecessors referred to as an Angel. As it fell he caught it and
In his arms it cradled. His eyes were bright with real joy and it
Smiled a smile which was to remain with him all the remainder
Of his days. As the life force, a haze of sorts, there being no
Blood, oozed out of it, it told him of his thanks, for he had been
One of the Fallen, but now he had had the opportunity to make
Amends and could at the last, return to his true Master who
Would welcome him, he now knew, with unconditional love.
This meant nothing to him, but it pleased him that the creature
Had a mystery to return to, as it most assuredly had, he newly
Somehow knew. With that, he gently hefted the now departed
Being up upon the great chair and having sat him, bowed low.
Returned he then through the cracks and fractures within the
Asteroids rock and took his little flitter up to where it had been
Considered he would be beyond its now very probably defunct
Sensors, entered the armoured shuttle and after a brief recount
Of the situation to the stunned Captain, with central now within
His mind those who remained, his innards crying out to him
They were not dead, hanging upon their oaken crosses, picked
Up knapsacks, as many as he could reasonably carry and would
In the flitter fit, and he returned from whence he came, to find
All as when he had departed, except for the absence of the
Fallen Angel who had replaced been by the smell of a verdant
Forest of Oak. Leaving this mystery for another time he placed
The knapsacks within the largest faults and fractures he could
Find in the machine’s rock shield and after setting timers got
Ready to depart. As he did so, the Horseman on his red steed
Appeared once again and roared for a second time, louder still,
With apoplectic rage as the cavern he surveyed. The Dwelf
Knew not where his casual courage came from, but he laughed
And then saluted as he slipped once more into the rock. Swift,
He was, in returning to the flitter, and swift again in joining the
Shuttle and telling the Captain to at full thrust flee. He sat then
And watched as the receding asteroid seemed to crumple and
As though in slow motion, break apart. Fear did then touch
Him as he saw, unharmed, among the debris, the Horseman
Mount his red steed, his sword still in hand, and turn then into
A hole is space which closed neatly, disappearing behind him.
Then it was the winged ones he saw, free from their crosses,
Made whole again, come as only they knew how, and their
Shuttle surround. For a moment, as beautiful as he was in his
Long life to ever hear, they sang and heard he and the captain,
Though understanding not the words, ‘Gloria in excelsis deo’.
Thus it was they sang, though he knew it not, their turning
From the Dark, and so it was into a blinding Light that they
Disappeared at the last, leaving him with such awe and deep
Sense of love it would comfort him in dark times, evermore. ………………………………………………………………….
And thus it was that the Dwelf delivered his Mama’s and his
Papa’s folk from the Great Killing Machine and brought them
Together then, just as they are now, through the knowledge
That mutual and irrational mistrust had almost led them to their
Destruction. And hereafter it was, and remains, that all of the
Children in ‘The Dwelf Confederation of Conglomerates And
Independent Domes’ learn this account by heart, that a critical
Lesson ne’er be forgot, or the debt owed the first of the Dwelf.
And what, you ask, happened to him? Now as to this I cannot
Say aught but that at the last he went off to the Deep Rim to
Enrich his studies of the Predecessors, and there, it is said, it
Was that he met another winged and beautiful creature, and if
The tale is to be believed, he joined then with a mighty craft,
Shaped as of a creature, maybe mythical, which lived in the
Seas of our ancestors, and yet had the head like a horse, and
Returning only in secret to his parents see; and at the last to
Spirit them and the enviro lab entire, with all the Mighty Oaks,
Away to who knows, but certes upon some other undertaking.
Personal log entry:
Found due to Mayday call in the year 8019 of
‘The Dwelf Confederation of Conglomerates And Independent
Domes’ on a solo explorer ship, wrecked on the Planet Soyul,
out on the edge of the galaxy where the barbarians live and die.
This came to note on a routine search for advanced or growing
civilisations, and was the result of glacial melt permitting the call
to reach out. Said melt due was to a catastrophic climate change
brought on by the activities of a group of hominids who our Pastor /
sociologist informs us possibly our ancestors were. Witnessing the
destruction caused by their folly it is most hard to imagine it so,
but I am a mere Captain, so what do I know? The truth may be
available when the most fortunate pilot of the wreck is brought
up from cryogenic hibernation and able to tell us more. Certainly
we will not need to this way come again, the chance of any
inhabitant surviving this exhausted planet being an overly hot,
absolute zero.
End log entry.
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