The Huntsman:
He stood before her small grave, such an insignificant mound
Already in the driving snow lost, heart heavy with sorrow at her
Parting, guilt at her death and empty aching for his True-Friends
For so long and so long, the Silver Wolf and White Raven. To
Their deaths give meaning he needs must the task finish which
He had dis-remembered, from himself screening it in some unlit
Corner of his mind where resided horror stories. Now lay it in
All its dreadfulness, by his focussed consciousness, bright lit.
He looked round at his expectant companions, the Wolf Pack
And the Great Flock of Phoenixes. He wanted not for further
Travail for them but they, in their fidelity refused to do other
Than with him remain, and in this great task participate, for was
It not to him they in the first place owed their lives? And there
Must retribution be, too, for the Wolf and the Raven. So it was
He cast his mind out, theirs to touch, and in images and known
Words for them depicted the interior of the Grey Craft and gave
Them introduction to the presences alien which lay therein and
Needs must be trampled or ejected. He gave, too, their stench.
Feeling their horror, it was good. They needs must vigilant be.
He turned then and the craft approached, the Black Wolf and the
Rainbow Phoenix by his side, his other companions following.
He the portal signalled to reopen and entered. As the Wolf Pack
And the Phoenix flock one way went, following their imprinted
Maps to where those who needed protection lay at rest, he and
His two comrades, meanwhile, taken were by a firm but gentle
Force and returned they to that place where the Raven expired.
The creature sprawled was, pathetic, upon the floor, the throne
Of bones on its side, knocked there by its thrashing death-throes.
The Huntsman some tentacles kicked aside and looked at the
Screen the alien had accessed. They had learned not how to
Make the Grey Craft functional, and knew they not which of the
Sleepers could so do. Even so they had several woken, only to
Them see die in minutes of their awakening, for their grasp on
Cryogenic thawing was limited. The Huntsman had professed
Ignorance in all things, technical and medical. They knew not
That his mind was the lone aware, other than his True-Friends;
That he it was who had steered the Craft through the cold dark.
Thought they, too, that this place was that from where the Grey
Craft was controlled. He did not on their error correct them, and
Surreptitious sealed the main bridge from the subsidiary control.
He arrival at this planet recalled, harsh and used once only, and
That as a penal colony. Those incarcerated, long dead were. He
Had thought not to find other sentient beings until a weak call of
Distress he received from the planet’s surface. He put down the
Grey Craft and took a shuttle to locate they who called and them
Assist. A ship he found; greatly damaged it was, and within the
Alien creatures were, whose life support was on the verge of
Total collapse, so said they. Thus it was he them entry allowed
To the shuttle, each in armoured suits concealed as though for
Space, and to the Grey Craft returned, where machines he set to
Mobile contrivances make which to them gave the air that was
Their necessity. It was then their true nature foul came forth and
Took they control, both of the Grey Craft and his True-Friends,
The Silver Wolf and the White Raven. He knew not what to do.
Thus time to steal to ponder all, and his enemy to learn, he made
Service for them, feigning fear, respect and always his ignorance
In things technical. Absolute was their arrogance and contempt
And though a crew, they each the others loathed and for position
And power jostled, through betrayal and alliances ever-shifting.
Murder straightforward, too, they oft would commit, and for
Pleasure supreme aimed they to achieve extended humiliation
For their victims, and agony prolonged. It was a nightmare now
In which he dwelled, one that appeared a labyrinth with no end.
As the revulsion too much became, he needs must get out from
Under its weight, he and his True-Friends, and thus he them told
Of sensor data which the traces of intelligent life was showing.
He knew not what they were but to his persecutors said he needs
Must go and find them out, for they might be salvation, knowing
That which he did not for waking the Grey Craft. Persuaded as
They were, glimpsing a chance this inhospitable place to leave,
They agreed, and also to allow his True-Friends to him support.
Thus it was that he left behind the horror world for endeavours
New, and soon it was to learn of the Wraiths and Shades, a form
This planet’s peculiarity of Gaia visited upon those dead from
The ancient penal colony, knowing not how otherwise it could
Be done to keep them in some form alive. Here they had lived
Twixt Heaven and Hell, half alive and half dead. Time it was
Which became their great tormentor, time to visit and revisit all
That had from them poured in their previous forms; the vile, the
Profane, the murders and corruption, the swamps in which they
Had their mark made. Each from the others fled, their inner
Disgust no room for companions leaving. Too, never they had
Had those in their lives they could trust before; it would be no
Different now. It was with these derelict souls, by chance, or by
Some hidden design, the Huntsman his transforming skill found.
Soon it was that the Silver Wolf had a pack to lead, gathered to
Aid them in the task of hunting down these reclusive, tortured
Souls. The White Raven high and wide could venture and found
Within an uncanny skill in their presence sensing. It but needed
Then the pack to them gather in, one by one, to the touch receive
Of the Huntsman, that transforming contact that each Shade and
Wraith with a terror received, which turned most quick to one of
A joy most extraordinary, changing, as they did, to that quite
Odd and most hopeful of beings, the Phoenix. And slow it was,
But sure, these creatures strange, fell to the duty of finding, too,
Those who Wraiths and Shades continued to be, and spread the
Word to the untrusting, slowly, most slowly, them convincing
That the Huntsman was their Sanctified Transformer, would
They but trust and him seek. T’is no surprise that the task was
Long, and in the doing of it the Huntsman from his mind pushed
Those horrors he had left behind. Thus it was that his power
Pack depleted became and he needs must send off a distress call,
Answered at the last by a passing deep space freighter dropping
A Medibot capsule, in truth almost too late, and due to this, his
Wilful stupidity and self-inflicted amnesia, he had first lost his
Beloved True-Friend the Silver Wolf and the White Raven also.
As from his sad memories he returned he was forced so to ask
Himself, had these alien beings somewhat marred his mind?
Dulling too his senses? For now it was that the solution to their
Odious presence was a thing quite simple. Perhaps, though, his
Initial program, designed to most honour life, had him betrayed.
It was the case no longer! Identifying those places where the
Creatures themselves had chose, secure from the attack of their
Companions, he them sealed in. T’was soon they noticed and to
The doors responded with violence extreme, achieving naught
But increased anger and frustration. Their displays all dead they
Sat and fumed, for the attack preparing of one of their own.
The Huntsman nodded, satisfied, and to the central bridge went he.
Once there, the doors he sealed, ever pondering if there were
Some of the creatures he’d missed. He mind talked with those,
His companions, outlining in brief his plan; understood, it was
By the Phoenixes but the Wolves, they had just to obey his order
In faith. Thus it was, donned he his interface and meshed once
More with that mind, strange and complex, it being the Centre.
With but a thought he sealed off each chamber, room, corridor
And facility within the Grey Craft, and then it was he made the
Jump ‘Between’, where momentarily time and space twisted and
Settled then once again, ship’s systems for space operational, the
Screens showing now down below, the planet, less forbidding,
More a place of simple beauty and of potential endless to those
Who would treat with it in love, gratitude, care and true grace.
He sighed, the future hopes returning to his mind, recalling the
Anticipation wondrous when first this scene had to him come.
He much changed was now, though, but his original mission he
Could still fulfil. He his companions mind checked, the wolves
A touch of reassurance needing, the Phoenixes now at their sides
Toiling to with their presence calm. The Huntsman, his mind to
The interface returned. The monsters all, impotent remained,
And raging; some too he found in corridors trapped and other
Places on the Grey Craft. Each position marked was and then he
Turned elsewhere his mind. A few moments scan the location
Identified, of that which had so bad polluted his days and nights,
The wrecked ship in which the nightmares had arrived. A Laser
Strike, pinpoint accurate, all innocents to avoid, removed it and
Any evidence it had ever in that place lain, a steaming hole now
There, with every prospect that within a few cycles a calm lake
Would be, and in time to their host, the planet’s Gaia, return.
Thus placed, now it was that he proceeded, with no pleasure, to
His simple plan complete. The Grey Craft’s mind had in each
And every case plotted a route most short from each of the fetid
Aliens to the nearest airlock. At the Huntsman’s thought, the
Sealed doors made to open were, and did the airlocks likewise.
Not long, it was, before all the dross was into space ejected, the
Nightmare’s end on screens showing. He looked not at those
Who died, returning the doors and locks to normal; then once
Again the Grey Craft twisted time and space and returned to its
Original place of security upon the planet’s surface. It here was,
Once more, by accident or by design, that the Huntsman’s skill
As transformer adapted, his undertaking easy feasible becoming.
Stood he before the Grey Craft, his companions, the Wolves and
The Phoenixes, about him now standing. By chance perhaps, it
Was that he the Rainbow Phoenix touched, and the planet’s Gaia
The full transformation permitted, sensing this being’s soul was
Both repentant and full of grace. There, transformed and most
Struck by astonishment, a naked human stood where a Phoenix
Once had been. The Huntsman, comprehending, held out again
His arms in welcome and his children called, each one receiving
His blessed and transforming touch, them returning to the body
They before had worn, now vigorous each, and of soul cleansed.
Within the Grey Craft raiment soon was found, not to envelop
Body shame, their souls so grace filled, inured now from such,
But just for the uncaring and still harsh elements; to survive as
The planet, though cold and still snow bedecked, slow but sure
Moved the Circle on to the spring and times of growth and hope.
So it was the Huntsman had now at hand a team, new and loyal,
With which to commence the mission of awakenings. Learned
They, with remarkable speed, the skills and techniques for the
Tasks. As they commenced, so the Huntsman had the Grey
Craft move once more, now to a site more hospitable, there to
Start construction of animal dwellings, there to house those few
Woken, base stock, to be joined at the last by vat-grown clones.
Simultaneous, it was, that ‘bots began the land to plough and
For trial growths prepare. Once success was sure, faster could
Be the awakening of the sleepers and the growings in the vats.
As winter slept, and spring enticed back to life the earth and
Plants, the Huntsman knew the work now secure was; the
Colony would grow, the beings here, old and new, would thrive.
Thus in the darkness one eve, he the Grey Craft left, his final
Directives forbidding it to him track, and to inculcate love of
Wolves within this community new. Then, it was, he and his
Wolf pack journeyed on, back to where the White Raven in the
Still cold earth lay. With tender care, it was, that he uncovered
Her now unneeded body, placing it careful in a pack which he
Safe carried upon his back. Down the mountain one last time
They hiked and, through cycles many, the route back followed
Upon which they had first come. T’was easier now, the weather
Turning kind, the ground soft, and hunting simple for the pack.
Good time they made, and then arrived at last back to where lay
The Silver Wolf. The Huntsman knelt as his companions stood
Watch, as was their wont, him encircling and protecting. Soon
It was he had a final place of rest for the corpse of his True-
Friend the White Raven, his other True-Friend the Silver Wolf,
Beside, though it mattered not to her or to him that their corpses
Now lay in proximity, for they elsewhere were, and waiting. To
The Huntsman, though, it mattered, and with this job done to his
Satisfaction he to the little capsule returned, there to activate the
Medic bot and have it his power pack discharge. When it was as
Almost done, he the machine deactivated and set the capsule to
Gentle meltdown. His task completed, returned he to the graves
Of his True-Friends and sat once more, his back against the tree.
He mind called to his companions, the wolves, and told them his
Work was done and he would leaving be. They the cycle of life
Understood and his need to go. He told them then that the Black
Wolf would them lead well. Then it was he gave them one final
Caress, one by one as they came to him, and implanted in each a
Thought, one so filled, it was, with love that they, for e’er after,
Would pass it on through the generations and live in unanimity.
His work completed, his eyes he closed, feeling hard the tree at
His back and upon his face, soft the breeze. Sensation unhurried
Left him and he in the distance his True-friends saw, the Silver
Wolf and the White Raven, from the light coming. As nearer
Still came they he held out his arms and at the last the Wolf
Leapt, joyous into them and the Raven on his shoulder landed,
The Three reunited, their unity the infinite Mystery to explore.
The Black Wolf commenced the digging, and turn-taking they
Then a final home for the Huntsman’s shell had made, twixt
That of the Silver Wolf and White Raven, which was fitting.
Each of his old companions then came and bid him farewell and
Joy with his True-Friends in the Far-Lands. Once done, the Black
Wolf threw back his head and led the pack in a song of Farewell.
That done, he turned and them to the shaded forest led back.
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