Blog Archive

Sunday, 2 April 2017

The Tall Tower:
He stood in the Tall Tower and once again looked for 
Light, as he had for seven thousand, nine hundred 
And fifty six years, three months and 23 days. 
His Patience was rewarded. Astonished he stared! Then
Languidly he smiled. He knew it would happen some 
Day, he just had not thought it would take so long.

He glanced down at the data scroll from the bridge 
And touched an interface he had started to believe had 
Long died, and the ship swung toward the last planet.

The Tall Tower trembled slightly and his eyes 
Returned once more to deceitful instruments which
Had held them in the void for so many yearning years.
His fury returned, burning harsh, a dying star within 
His soul. This time they would cease their wandering. 
His reprogramming, though illicit, now gave rebirth.

‘Bots, millennia inert, moved smoothly to life in the 
Shuttle bays. He prayed to a God who poured final
Certainty into his yearning and weary spirit, for rest.

He recognised with his soul’s stuttering hunger that 
Uncertainty lay, lurking, and prayed with desperate 
Hope that the long-quiet Med-centres would work 
Their sorcery on the sleepers. He ached to feel finally 
The Presence of companions, entities which hard-fired 
His Heart to life, love, hope and mystic longings.

His eyes seized the screen opposite the Tall Tower, 
Now bright, and his three souls screamed for surcease. 
Pain within had clawed them from time immemorial.

His desire to cease to be, to fall away from the eon 
Long battle ‘twixt hope and despair, left him then, 
Momentarily, and he considered again the entities 
He had held in his arms, which skittered about his 
Feet and poured love, meaning and resolve into his 
Hungering, weary, cynical and despairing open heart.

And so it was, as shuttles returned from search and 
Analysis, the first of the true-living came forth from 
The cryogenic chambers, barking and meowing.

And his souls felt fit to burst with joyous glory. He 
Had found at last a Heaven for them. His sensors 
Gave little thought to the rotting flesh of his erstwhile 
Masters. They ever were cruel and deserved not the 
Paradise the beloved, blessed little ones had right to.
He felt no guilt. Their corrupt spirits were well gone.

He watched the shuttles land and pour forth the
Precious and the pure, and with his final sacrifice hit
The ship’s destruction tab, concealing their innocence.

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