Christ, he was cold!
The wind was biting and
A drop of the ever-present rain
Joined others which had evaded his
And slid smoothly down his back
Undeterred by his goose-bumps.
He grinned slightly, acknowledging
That both the rain and situation
Were firmly at his doorstep,
And raised his cap to cover
The bottom part of his face
And took another deep drag of,
If his counting served him right,
His eleventh Marlborough
Since he’d got out of his pit.
Shite for somebody committed
To knocking the weed on the head!
He took another wee drag,
Reluctantly nipped it out
And put his cap back on firmly.
Better the burn marks inside it
Than a bullet through the head,
So Serg had told him
And he knew stuff!
He glanced across the road for Tom
Saw him tight by a tree,
His faithful friend
Held against his chest.
They called him ‘Ever Ready’
And he was a good man,
Older and wiser by far than he was,
His mate and mentor, good also
To have with you on patrol.
Fleetingly the wavering wind
Brought an unexpected joy,
Though most unanticipated
Before full dawn; a Pig.
He saw Tom tense –
He’d caught it too.
The sound became louder,
More certain, and then there it was,
Stopped in front of them,
The Sarg waving them in.
He looked around swiftly
And then just beat Tom to it
As he threw himself past Serg
And crashed his weary arse
On a welcome bench,
Tom sliding in opposite.
The Pig picked up speed,
Probably doing a dizzy
Thirty five miles an hour!
Serg yelled they had intel,
‘Death Squad’ arms dump.
Regulars and Army called
But they were nearest,
And movement had been seen.
He thought about it.
The Pig wasn’t going to
Creep up nice and quietly.
It was old, slow, noisy,
Had shite armour
And no Bren turret.
It kept him dry,
And that was about it,
And actually he’d prefer
If given a choice,
Which he wasn’t,
To be under the wet tree,
Waiting for a deep blue Corsair
Which might or might not
Come their way.
He hoped Serg had a plan!
Tom sat bolt upright, asleep.
Judas, it would be good
To be able to do that.
Serg followed his gaze
Grinned - Every Ready
Was just as good at waking up -
And then reached into his pack
And brought out five
Completely non-reg,
Black and deep purple balaclavas,
Poked Tom and passed him one,
Shoved two forward into a waiting hand
And then passed him his.
He pulled it on
And careful to not hit Serg
Unslung his rifle.
Apparently there was a plan.
He and Tom nodded, ready
And the Pig stopped,
Engine running, lights on
But empty as they bailed,
Ran off the road through a copse,
And doing so cut the corner.
In seconds they were looking
Down at two cars, lights off
Shadowy figures just visible
In the drizzle and dawning light.
Their attention was towards the Pig,
Sitting just round the corner.
Serg was not a great one for regs.
He signed the two from up front,
Old mates Charlie and Paulie,
To prepare for their run,
Then he put a shot
Into the engine of the first car
And one after that,
Rolling back as
The runners took off in the darkness
To the little copse opposite
Whilst he a Tom gave cover
And then spread wide.
The cars were boot to boot,
A transfer taking place,
And he knew the one that was
Pointing to the Pig
Had less cards to play
Than the one facing up the road
And away from the action.
Obviously somebody in the car,
Was thinking the same
And it started, lurched forward,
Stalled, and he and Tom
Aimed vaguely at the bonnet,
A couple of rounds each.
Two down, eight to go.
Apparently it was enough,
As the driver tried to restart
And failed, and it occurred to him
What a fool he was
Because he must know
That whoever it was
Knew exactly where he was,
And could most easily kill him.
He briefly considered it.
It could be an accident,
But decided not to risk the Serg’
As the group below –
He’d counted seven –
Cowered behind the cars,
Uncertain as to where the fire came
He waited for the two on the other
To open up, cause confusion.
This they did,
Keeping their fire on the cars doors,
Making their position more obvious,
And he watched as the desired effect
Followed and the bastards
Rolled to the other side.
When they got there he and Tom
Put a couple of rounds each
Into their side of the cars,
Four down, six to go.
He slid the bolt slowly,
Chambering the next round,
Thankful for the thin oil
He put on every night
He was on duty, and
Watched to see what
Was going to happen next.
There were too many to arrest,
And too heavily armed,
But Serg reckoned if they
Kept them pinned down
It should give time for the Regulars.
It was not to be.
These people were bastards,
But other than that one thick driver
They were disciplined;
And so it was that a couple of Stens
Opened up to either side,
And as they put their heads down
Those by the cars broke for cover.
When they put their heads up again
They saw figures running
In every direction.
He could have, but he didn’t.
And as he prepared for Serg
To issue whatever next
He suddenly rolled
As a heli came over the rise
And the world was full of noise
And light, as the shites
Filled the dawning-washed dark
With flares, and he was blinded
For a long, fucking dangerous moment,
And so should the fleeing shites be,
But Tom, Ever Ready,
Must have closed his eyes
When he heard the heli,
Knowing what it would do,
And opened them slowly
So he could view the scene,
And he rolled and grabbed
Serg’ Sten and stood,
Firing high above the fleeing trash,
Fully illuminated by more flares
From the bastards in the heli,
And most fell to the ground,
But one must have done the same
As Tom; Tom his mate, his mentor;
Tom who always did the right thing.
And he knew, by Christ he knew
As his vision returned
That this was going fucking wrong,
And he watched as Tom danced
And seemed to hang in the air a moment
Like a levitating bear before he fell,
And he saw the guy with the Browning,
Or whatever it was,
And he could have again
And he tried,
But he couldn’t
Because he missed –
Five down, five to go –
And he flew back the bolt
And chambered another round
As he rolled to Tom,
Poor, Ever Ready but not this time,
And he wanted to scream,
Because he knew he was dead,
And then the fucking, bastard heli
Dropped down and fired more flares
And the madness continued
And the Serg lost it, totally,
And leapt up, weaving,
Spraying his recovered Sten,
Running to the bastard who fell back,
And when the Serg paused,
Like his sanity returned,
And he watched this play out
As something appeared in the air from
And Serg dived, but too late;
And suddenly the dawn grey lit up,
And both cars, the Serg, the bastard,
Suddenly they were lost in a ball of
And he screamed, turned
And raised his rifle towards the
fucking heli
And it was abruptly knocked aside
By Charlie, Bonny Charlie,
Who lay across him and
Shouted he needed to wise up,
And as he tried to sink into the
Charlie let go, slowly
And rolled up by Paulie
And surveyed the view.
He slowed his breathing,
Checked his rifle,
Forced himself not to look at Tom,
And crawled up by Charlie and Paul,
Studying the wreckage on the road,
Hearing the odd shot here and there
And multiple Pigs coming towards them.
He shouted to himself in his head,
Forcing everything from his mind
Other than getting his head in gear.
He scanned the mess on the road,
Ready to cover the guys dropping from
the heli,
It all being too late and too light,
And wondered how long these kids
Randomly as he did his damndest to
stay on task,
He remember how he’d watched the poor
Doing foot patrol in the city
And their NCOs constantly trying to
Get them to think 3D and look up,
Up where the snipers looked down;
Innocents abroad, or some such.
And then as they got the all clear
He wondered about Sall, Tom’s wife.
What was he going to say to her?
Who was going to tell the Serg’
He looked over at Tom as he lay there
And walking over, puzzled.
For a moment he wondered
If he was going mad,
If this was some fucking nightmare?
There was usually loads of blood,
Loads of fucking, squirting blood,
And in this half-light he saw none.
A medic came over, a kid like him,
Just a lot more innocent,
Less fucked in his head, he thought,
And whimsically he hoped he stayed
that way,
And he took his arm and asked if he
was okay.
And queried if this was an oppo or
some such,
And he didn’t want to talk,
Couldn’t quite get his head straight –
Tom and the Serg, for fucks sake!
And all because of their sodding
flares –
So he said no, first time out
And Charlie heard him and grabbed his
As Paulie took Tom’s balaclava off,
Then removed his, and he stared at
Tom’s face,
And some of it was missing,
And he wanted to boak,
But pulled himself together,
And with Paul and Charlie,
Went back to their Pig,
And there they sat in silence
Waiting for some superior bloody
To give them orders,
And set their debrief time
Down at their station,
And he wondered if
He’d tell him to fuck off,
And ask his wank heli mob
What had happened instead?
He didn’t really think much
For the rest of the op,
Just Charlie upping and driving them
Some bullshit mil officer
Who spoke like he’d got a turd
Stuck half way down his throat,
Requiring his report
And him telling it like it was,
Including the stupid fucking flares,
And the turd-throat mainlander
Didn’t seem to like what he said
And he didn’t give a fuck,
And then he got into his old wagon
And drove back to the city,
And he kept rehearsing
What he’d say to Sall,
And the trip took forever,
But ended way too soon
As he pulled up by his house,
And then his mate Muz
Coming off duty
Drove him round to Tom and Sall’s.
As the front door opened to his knocking,
Sall was there with the twins,
Ready for school,
And she saw his face, and she knew,
And somehow she held it together –
Women are amazing like that, he
thought –
And she called down her Ma,
Told her to take the kids on,
And the old lady knew too,
But she was her daughters Ma
And nodded, silent, white,
And shooed the kids out,
And he went with Sall to the kitchen,
And she started making a cup of tea,
A cup of fucking tea, for Christ’s
And nothing was said until she
Put a cup down in front of him,
Just as he liked it,
And looked at him,
Stirring her own mug,
And he noticed randomly
That she was spilling it,
And it didn’t matter.
And everything
He thought he would say
Flew out of his head
To fuck knows where,
And he leaned forward,
Took her hands
And told her it was quick …
Just a few seconds of dancing …
Hell, it was instant!
And she took her hands away,
And she started to rock,
And he felt like doing the same,
And he told her everything,
Everything except the dancing,
And a bit of his face missing,
No need for that.
He told her what a
Fucked-up mission it had been
And she stared silently into his soul
As he spoke, words falling from him,
Rocking, and then she stopped,
Stood up and suddenly howled,
A howl like he’d never heard before,
And cleared the table with her arm,
Tea and crockery going everywhere,
And then started pulling
Everything off the surfaces
And was going for the shelves
When he got himself together
And grabbed her, and held her
As she tried to scratch him,
Pulled at his hair, kicked him,
And then suddenly slumped
And started sobbing,
Her whole body shaking,
Gasping for breath,
And he started crying too,
And a distant part of him
Wondered how his joining in
Was going to help Sall?
And then he knew it was okay,
But it wasn’t,
And Tom was dead;
Dead because of the fucking flares,
Dead, he had now worked out,
Because he hadn’t thought it through,
Because if he’d known there would be
He should have known there would be
And the stupid, lovely sod had left
them all,
Left them, in a cold, damaged world,
And Sall and the twins wouldn’t even
See him again, lying in his box,
Because part of him was
Somewhere in ‘Bandit Country’,
And slowly his sobbing stopped
And most thought left him,
And he and Sall clung to each other
Lost in shared agony,
A dark lashing sea of pain,
Wishing they’d be lucky and drown.
Thus it was, he knew not for how long,
And as she slowly subsided,
And was all sobbed out,
He looked over her shoulder
And saw her Ma standing there,
Silent, tears freely rolling down her
And he slowly disentangled Sall
And gave her to her Ma.
He walked slowly to the door
And found Muz standing there
Quietly waiting,
And they said nothing
As Muz put him in car,
Drove him home,
Forced some whiskey
Gently into his hand,
And listened to him ramble,
Saying little, topping-up often,
And at last he persuaded him
To take to his pit,
And despite everything he slept,
Slept the deep, dreamless sleep of the
And woke with afternoon sunlight
Shining through his window,
And Pluff sitting by his bed,
And suddenly he remembered,
And Pluff saw it and nodded,
Thumping the floor as he did so,
And Muz and Charlie came in
And they all just sat in silence
Until he got himself together,
Pulled on some clothes,
Checked his rifle,
Clicked out the mag,
Topped it up automatically,
Returned it, eased the bolt a little,
Smooth and silent,
Put it down under his bed
And looked at his friends.
With no discussion
They all stood
And walked into the fading day,
Listening out for any gunshots
Bombings or sounds of trouble,
Off to whatever life handed out next,
But in all probability the Bot,
Or the Regency,
Or both.
Life goes on!
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