To A Giant:
A giant has stepped from the stage,
Passing behind the curtain,
Out of sight,
Standing first in the wings,
Seeing all that is happening still,
Within the play of life,
But no longer part of it,
His active role complete.
This giant was a Yorkshire giant,
(And it’s hard to get more gianty than that!)
A big, robust and gentle giant,
With a big, robust and loving heart,
A bear’s big, robust hug,
And a deep robust laugh,
Which started way down low inside him,
And burst out into the room,
Like a shower of joy,
And all around,
The main characters,
And the bit players,
Would bask in the happiness drops.
He watches over them now,
Free at last of pain,
As Andrea, his beloved wife,
And his extraordinary sons,
Continue the play,
Treading the boards tentatively
Without the lead actor,
Uncertain now of the plot,
Improvising, supporting each other,
As strong main characters can,
And leading the remaining cast,
Making it up as they go along.
Slowly, as time passes,
The giant will move,
First down to the front row,
Withdrawing next to the balcony,
And then to the upper balconies,
Aptly named ‘the Gods’.
He will watch over them,
This most caring, loving giant,
Perhaps like their guardian angel,
Finding it hard to let go,
But wisely learning,
As the remaining cast
Start to make more certain steps,
That their sorrow, confusion
And anger will diminish,
Just as it should,
For he crafted well,
He and his most dear, true love,
And they will pour themselves
Into each other and the next generation,
And the next,
Each of which will carry,
Part of that which made this giant
Such a unique and glorious soul.
And he will recognise
From his new place of perspective,
That in the great scheme of things,
They will prevail;
And, watching over them still,
Know that all will be well,
And that the time will come,
As it comes to all,
When their circle of life is done,
They too will be gathered in,
And as he has been,
Embraced by the Loving Mystery,
Which follows the final act.
They too will leave the stage,
And he will be standing there, waiting,
A gentle smile upon his face,
And he will fold his giant’s arms
Around them again,
And remind them of his giant’s love,
In that wondrous place where it is everlasting.
And others, whether their parts were small,
Or absolutely central,
They will know that
They were privileged,
Privileged to know him,
A unique and extraordinary,
Larger than life,
Matchless spirit,
And his passing on
Leaves their lives –
Our lives -
Impoverished but,
Let us not forget,
Richer still by far,
Because for a little while,
Or a lot,
We were lucky;
We knew a giant,
Such a wonderful,
Well loved,
Yorkshire, gianty giant.
Adieu Mark; à bientôt.
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