Perception Of Reality:
I recently enjoyed a conversation with my nephew David.
Broad, it was, on the nature of reality,
Of the uncertainty that surrounds it,
And us, our very existence,
And ‘je pense donc je suis /
Cogito ergo sum’,
Being pretty much all we could
Be certain of, though David’s certainty
Was a conditional thing.
Anyway, this got me thinking.
Reality, it seems to me,
If looked at long term,
Is something we will
Certainly never understand
If we define reality as
‘What really is’.
What we refer to as reality
Is that which we’ve agreed,
Or our ancestors agreed for us,
With the majority of other people,
And don’t constantly row about.
This can, of course, be localised.
Witness some of the folk
In the boonies in the US
Compared to people in
Cosmopolitan London
Or the chic of Paris .
(Or Trump v President Macron)
Let us agree, then, that
It is a set of concepts and principles
Which are pretty loose and flexible
But allow us to communicate
(Quite often fairly superficially)
And cooperate and coexist as a species …
Most of the time.
Generally speaking we’re pretty much in agreement
About what a chair or a table is,
And that they are solid, not arguing overly
From a philosophical or scientific
Point of view about the properties of
Solids, liquids, gases and so forth,
On a day to day basis, which,
Let’s face it, would be tedious.
These relatively simple agreed things
Are generally covered by
Concrete common nouns.
When it come to abstract issues,
Covered by abstract nouns, however,
Such as the nature of hope, faith, love,
Hate, honour, loyalty, duty, grace and
That old bĂȘte noire, morality …
Ah, then it gets more exciting!
We explored, too, the possibility of predestination,
A concept I abhor as the ultimate cop out for taking
No responsibility for ones life.
“It was meant to be.” Bullshit!
On we moved to the programming
We receive through our genes, and
The environment we grow in,
Just as the flowers, grasses,
Lichens, mighty oaks,
And little or larger beasties do,
To a lesser or greater degree.
That’s where predestination gets its fatal blow,
I believe. Individuals, certainly in beasties,
Put together all that programming
In different ways, and so we have ‘will’,
And depending on the brain size
Of the beasties, and one or two other factors,
The greater the freedom
Of ‘will’ and individuality we develop,
The less we follow our instincts.
And so we come back, then, to reality,
That most individual of constructs,
With a cooperative twist,
Depending, as it does,
On at least some societal agreement.
Now, please bare with me.
I was driving back from the lake one day
And swerved a little to avoid a snail,
Smack, bang in the middle of the road.
Perhaps I should have stopped
And put it out of harm’s way,
But I didn’t. What I did do
Was imagine, no, let’s say,
Tried to imagine, what such
An action would do to that snail’s ‘reality’?
I think, nothing, as flying is not within
The snail’s conceptual framework.
Its reality does not allow for it.
It would, in essence, be a non-event,
Though I’ll concede it might
Crap itself. I’m sure I would
In those circumstances!
On that thought, the snail’s reality
Is hugely limited by the depth
And breadth of its experience,
Due, predominantly, to the size of his brain.
(The Magic Roundabout’s Brian,
He who Dougal unfairly referred to as
‘A sloppy mollusc’, did not, in fact exist.)
I saw then a woodpecker flit
Between two trees. His reality would perhaps
Be more 3D than mine, I don’t know,
But for reasons posited above, that reality, too,
Is limited, though more sophisticated also
Because it can communicate,
And cry, ‘Danger’, or ‘Fancy a shag?’
To others of his species. That, in itself
Complicates reality, that sharing of concepts,
Or shall we say, the attempts to do so.
His reality, however, as with the snail’s,
Is partially guided by that which we loosely
Refer to as instinct, defined for this discussion
As ‘an innate, typically fixed pattern of behaviour
In animals in response to certain stimuli.’
For our purposes here I would flag the word
‘Animals’, in that semantically, though precisely
It includes humans, we tend to think of it as not
Doing so – an odd, human conceit. Here it does.
Now, I don’t know where woodpeckers choose
To spend winter, but many birds have such
A complex instinct it enables them,
With no reference to maps or Satnav,
To travel the most extraordinary distances
Accurately, as do salmon, of course,
Though generally speaking, not taking to the air,
Apart from their endeavours to leap up weirs and so on.
Instinct is tricky, ill-defined and can be suicidal.
We may return to it later.
The pair of Magpies, too, which I saw fluttering
Like Chinese kites on a windy day, have a firm grip
On what they perceive to be reality. I saw then,
However, a deer. Its reality and instincts would be
Different from the Magpies, probably more complex.
The reality of the deer is not concrete and, as with
Every other living thing, it is hugely influenced
By its environmental and familial restrictions and,
Critically, its ability to learn, adapt and,
Here I tread most carefully,
Rise up above its instincts,
Just as hedgehogs do who run
Across the road when seeing lights
Instead of curling into a ball.
Rabbits, too, with that appalling scourge,
Myxomatosis, are more likely to survive
When they forsake living in burrows
And live in hedges and such like.
A bear’s reality, born in a zoo to parents who were
Born in the zoo, would be hugely at variance to
That of a wild bear. Some of the instincts would
Be the same but, critically, some would differ.
It seems to me that the more sophisticated
The creature’s brain,
The more complex its ability to be aware and adapt
To its environment, to semi-control it in some cases.
It appears also, that the more complex its communication,
Conceptualisation and resultant reality,
The less it appears to be in touch with its instincts.
One of the things humanity has learned about reality
Is that we know very little about it,
Both as individuals and as a collective species.
(Unless you’re a JW, flat-earther, Trump or Brexiteer,
Who all think they’ve got everything totally sussed)
As we continue to thrive, the reality is
That we know we know less and less
About real reality,
Whatever that may be.
The reality of the snail,
For the snail, is pretty straightforward,
For an amoeba, even more so.
Reality becomes more complex and shaky
The more we move up the species ladder.
Assuming we accept that the reality of humans,
(Other than for the aforementioned)
Is more complex, and at the same time much shakier
Than it is for just about any other creature …
The old saw, ‘the more you know, the less you know’ ...
We thus live with greater uncertainty
And change, on a daily basis;
And as society advances, reality keeps changing,
And our world view has to change with it,
Faster and faster,
Yet still we need to maintain
That loose general agreement
As to what reality is, which
Becomes more complicated when
It’s about, let’s say, String Theory,
Or what a Freedom Fighter is
As opposed to a Terrorist,
Than when we agree
About what a table is.
One consequence of this is that with the total sum
Of human knowledge rising exponentially,
It is quite possible that if we were to be dropped
Into the world of our great grandchildren,
Much of reality would be so alien to us,
Like the snail’s experience flying,
It would be full of non-events,
Events our minds could not give meaning to.
Now, this takes us on quite straightforwardly
To Jack Russells. Everybody who has had contact
With a Jack Russell knows that all is not as simple
As it appears. No indeed! A Jack Russell is
The physical manifestation of a cross dimensional
Super intelligent being and guardian of all sorts of stuff
Which is too complex for us to even begin to understand.
The actual JR manifestation represents just
One 100th of their being; it is that part which
Allows some fun, irresponsibility and relaxation
Into their otherwise incredibly serious and responsible
Lives. (This, incidentally, is why JRs think they’re so large.)
Now, to recap, as we have learned by looking at
The increasing level of uncertainty with regard to reality,
It is very much associated with progressively more
Sophisticated intelligence, conceptualisation,
Communication and the ability to learn and adapt
Behaviours relative to what has been learned,
And rise up above instinct, which deals in ‘certainties’.
Right. Now what does this logically suggest concerning
The cross dimensional super intelligences
And their grasp of reality?
Well I’ll tell you what it suggests.
It suggests that their grip on reality
Is even more tenuous than ours.
Again, I give you the Jack Russell.
Enough said.
And the infinitely superior, cross dimensional
And temporal super, fabulous intelligences which
Stand the moon and stars above them; what
Is their grasp of reality going to be like?
Well, I think we can fairly safely surmise
That it isn’t going to be very good at all.
So, if you really want to know, this whole reality
Thing is arse about face; the amoeba has the greatest
Grip, and those super-dupper, hyper, cross-dimensional
Cross temporal etc intelligences – shit, let’s just call them Gods –
Who organise and oversee the working of
The whole kit and caboodle
Are truly out for lunch, have totally lost their grip
And are absolutely off their trolleys, reality-wise.
The truth is, then, that the universe is being run by lunatics,
All of which explains, for instance, why Donald Trump is
President of the USA , the UK is going to Brexit,
The stupid think they know everything,
The wise think they know nothing,
And all the other weird shit that makes no sense.
It’s comforting to know there’s a reason,
Don’t you think?
No, nor do I.
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