Alien Contact:
He woke, travelling instantaneously
from a deep sleep
To high alert, and his eyes clicked
open to the dark.
Total dark. This did not surprise him. Nothing did.
He knew not his name, where he was
or why. All he
Knew was the darkness, the danger,
his will to survive;
And then another thing, he felt
heavier than before.
He checked calmly what he could
learn, running through
His body systems, one by one,
completely still whilst
Checking their efficacy. He studied then his environment.
His body was shackled, holding him
immobile on a firm
But yielding surface. He clicked his tongue loudly, twice.
He was, he guessed, in a constrained
space, not too small,
With no soft furnishing. Gently he expanded his muscles.
The shackles withdrew, and suddenly
light stabbed for
His eyes which he had closed. Still he did not move.
A door opened, steps approached and
nudged him softly.
In an instant he reached out,
caught hold of something,
And as he leapt suddenly, heaved
upwards, hard, and
Opened his eyes to slits, taking in
the grey room, the
Grey door and the grey creature
which lay unmoving.
He knew very little, but he knew he
had not seen such
As this before. He studied the imprint upon his brain
As he reached for what could be a
weapon, and moved
To the door. The little grey creature groaned and stood
Slowly. He stared at it for some moments as it rubbed
The back of its little grey
head. He moved again towards
The door, touched it. Two figures entered. Pain coursed
Through his body. He dropped the weapon, and fell.
He woke, travelling instantaneously
from deep sleep
To on alert, and his eyes clicked open
to the same dark.
Total dark. This did not surprise him. Nothing did.
He knew not his name, or why he was,
but he knew where.
He remembered the room and the
little grey creature.
He remembered the soft, curious
look in its pained eyes,
And he knew the darkness, the pain,
his will to survive.
He checked calmly what more he
could now learn, running
Through his body systems, one by one, completely still
Checking their efficacy. He studied again his environment.
His body again shackled, holding
him on a firm surface.
He did not click his tongue, for he
knew where he was.
Imperceptibly, once
more, he expanded his muscles.
The shackles withdrew, and suddenly
the light stabbed for
His eyes which he had kept closed. Still he did not move.
A door opened, steps approached and
nudged him softly,
Then swiftly withdrew. He remained as he was. At a
Second nudge and swift withdrawal
he slowly opened
His eyes a slit and studied the now
familiar grey creature.
It nodded its grey head and left
the grey room through
The grey door. He lay still for a while, considering.
The light started to flash,
changing colour. After a short
Time he perceived a pattern. As he lay, observing, the
Patterns became increasingly
complex and were joined
With a deep bass, pulsing sound, changing,
With the lights. He recognised, too, it was synchronised
To his heart beat. He lay still, patient, feeling, learning.
Perhaps, he thought, he was
synchronising to it. How odd!
With an effort of will he slowed
his heart. The lights and the
stumbled momentarily, and then aligned once more.
He brought his heart rate up. The lights and pulse stuttered
Less, synchronised more smoothly. He relaxed and closed
His eyes, feeling just the sounds
pulsing through his body.
He knew not who he was, or where he
truly was, or why, but
He knew without any doubt what he
was, he was a Navigator.
The door opened once again. He opened his eyes wide
And rose carefully, no threat, staring
all the while at that
Which had entered and was staring
all the while at him.
He knew it was not as he was. It was small, grey, squat,
Had odd, rigid limbs and its eyes
lay in a flat, almost
Featureless face. It smelled rank, foul like something
Dredged from a fetid swamp. He stood thus, studying and
Being studied, quite at ease. He wondered then at that.
The creature nodded its little grey
head and gestured that
He should follow it from the
room. It moved slowly on
Its little grey legs, preceding him
down a grey corridor,
Flanked by two armed other such, to
another grey door
Where they entered in. The alien gestured to him to take
A seat, one large enough for his
comfort. Should he? He
Had aliens around him, grey and,
though small, menacing.
He sat, finding himself opposite a
large, grey screen. It
Flickered to life, grey images
appearing. Adjusting his
Mind set he saw it showed a craft –
he knew it to be his
Craft – lying in a cradle. There was some damage to be
Seen upon its engine shield. Meteorite strike? He knew,
Too, that such a strike had not
been foreseen. Most odd!
Odd, too, to see his craft so grey
and dull. Why all grey?
The screen went blank and the grey
creatures present all
Looked to one – their chief? –
expectantly. He reached
Forth and pressed a button. For a moment there was no
Change. In the silence he pondered on his
position. It
Mattered – who he was, where he was
and why he was.
These grey aliens mattered, as did
their intent for him.
It mattered more, he knew, that he
return to his ship.
The silence broke with a voice, a
grating, mechanical
Voice. He realised that apart from the pulses, he
Heard nothing since awakening. The grey creatures
Moved their mouths but uttered no
sounds. Were they
A civilisation of lip readers? Telepaths?
His mind then
Tuned to the voice, as he
recognised certain words. The
Little grey creatures slowly turned
to him, expectantly.
He listened with care. After a short time he adjusted
To the voice. It informed him he had crashed. It told him
That the grey creatures had entered
his ship, had gone
To the trouble of recognising and
downloading all the
Information from his Central Com,
had worked on the
Meaning, found a medic program and
healed him.
He let the message run though
twice, ensuring he had
Understood the meaning. His companions were dead,
They thought. The crash had killed them. They had been
Placed in the sarcophagi the aliens
had found within his
Craft. He remembered, suddenly! He saw their faces,
Knew their names, ranks, tasks,
quirks and humour.
He knew there was one there who he
loved! Why still
So calm? What had these little creatures done to him?
And he did not know himself. He knew not his name or
His appearance. He remained oddly calm and watched as
The grey screen recommenced showing
grey images. He
Watched his companions being
carefully lifted by the
Little grey aliens and placed
tenderly into their resting
Places. He observed next the repairs being made to
Craft and then, little grey men in
a little grey operating
Theatre operating on him, by
hand! He stared, horrified.
The screen went blank and the voice
creaked into action
Once more. He had received trauma to his skull. The
Little grey creatures cleverly
surmised that it could be
Possible that his mind would have
been scrambled and
His memory might well be
disturbed. They told him
That this was his seventh
awakening. His previous
Times had lead to various most
unfortunate incidents!
This time he had responded to the
resonances. What?
The grey screen came to life again
and showed more grey
Images of him. The sequence went from an episode of
Extreme violence on his part to
lesser violence. On each
Of the previous wakings the lights
had changed colour –
Perhaps some test? - but they had had to sedate him, though
He knew not how. He just dropped. Though these little grey
Aliens were small, primitive –
they’d operated on him using
Knives in their hands! – they still had the powers
for danger.
As the screen went blank once more,
he sat, controlling
His breathing and his heart. He needed to be in the ship.
He remembered the interface he
wore. If he was to know
Himself, he knew somehow that the
interface was the only
Way he could fully utilise his mind
once more. He looked
At the little grey aliens and told
them of his need. Their
Little grey, flat faces showed no
expression initially. Why?
There was a delay. The aliens touched buttons, looked at
Screens, moved their mouths
inaudibly and then the voice
Grated into action once more. It would be as he wished!
Elated he stood and followed the
little grey leader, with
His guards flanking him still. They walked past many grey
Doors, along grey corridors, passed
through a grey lock,
Traversed through a short, grey
tunnel and entered his craft.
Joyously he noted how his weight
dropped – back to its
Normal state, he knew. He followed the little grey alien
Up to the bridge and flopped
immediately into his own
Chair, reaching for his interface. Their trust was either
Extraordinary or they were very
stupid. The alien produced
A small speaker and tinnily the
voice came to life once more,
Requesting that he wait until they
had all disembarked.
These grey creatures mended him and
now set him free!
He waited, impatient for his
interface, but still grateful.
Minutes later the green light
informed him that the port
Was closed and the light within his
craft returned to that
Which he was used to. He placed the interface upon his head
And plugged
it into the port. Immediately he was
With information. He slowed his breathing and his heart,
And allowed his life to flow back
into his mind until he
Knew who he was, what he was, where
he was and lastly, why.
Briefly he checked his instruments. The ship was at its
Optimum. He called for data from the sarcophagi. All
Present were responding well to
medical repair. As he
Thought of this he shuddered
again. They’d used their
Little grey hands to repair
him! He shrugged, then. He
Lived! A favour deserved a favour. Before laying in a
Course for home he erased all
previous navigation records.
As the ship rose slowly, before he
dialled a wormhole,
He flipped through all the visible spectra
until the Central
Com ceased its search. The little grey creatures weren’t so
Grey, viewed at their correct light
frequency. Just in curiosity,
He ordered
a search through the audio. They were
not lip
Readers. He picked up vast
amounts of chatter, sounds his
Hearing could not access unaided. On their planet they thrived.
He changed the ship’s position,
cloaked and spent a while
Longer studying the civilisation which had saved his
life and
Given it back to him. They were progressing. They would
Some day be a threat, especially
now they had the download of
His Central Com.
They had managed to leave their planetary
Surface and set up a base on
this extraordinary, solo moon.
He should
report them to a Suppression Fleet. But
he could not.
Thus, dialling up a wormhole he bid
farewell to the little grey
Planet with its exceptional, large grey moon. He told the Central
Com, one last time, to go gently through
those light frequencies,
Inaccessible to his normal sight, and he admired, with
To the little grey creatures in his
heart, its beauty. Casually then,
Flicking one of his supple tendrils, he
dropped the ship into the
Wormhole, did a final erasure, opened his third eye
and relaxed.
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