Blog Archive

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Do Not Delude Yourself!

Do not delude you yourself that the person you love is the same 
Person as the person you will wake up with tomorrow, lying by 
Your side in such a familiar manner.  They are not, although, to 
Be fair, they’re a pretty reasonable facsimile, but then again, so 
Are you – at least one night later.  Less so a week later, but 
Nothing stays the same, all is change.  As she sleeps, and as you 
Sleep, the Mad Filing Clerk gets to work on your memories of 
The day, and that impacts on the memories of the day before, 
And that memory you had as a child when you wondered if the 
Horn on the clown’s car was actually the clowns farting and the 
Grownups didn’t see the joke, and so it goes, association after 
Mad, tenuous association.  His/Her filing system is known only 
To the Mad Filing Clerk, though if you have a shrink they’ll 
Try to tell you that they have him sussed.  Rubbish!  One 
Hundred percent, gold-plated, smoking doggie excrement.  He 
Is yours, and yours alone, for richer, for poorer, for better for 
Worse, in sickness and in health, he’ll be organising your files, 
Sneakily during your waking hours, but not so when you are 
Asleep.  They like to call it REM sleep so it sounds like they 
Know what’s going on and you’re in charge, you know, just 
Doing an innocent bit of uncomplicated, symbolically sequenced 
And perfectly straightforward dreaming.  Ha!  Not so.  The Mad 
Filing Clerk is wildly busy, whole-heartedly, with the frenzied 
Rustling of papers being thrown hither and thither and the 
Banging and clattering of your filing cabinet drawers being 
Flung open, closed, cross referenced, shuffled and generally 
Trifled with in the most extraordinary and individual manner, all 
By this Mad Filing Clerk who is an absolute tyrant, answerable 
Only to himself ... no, wait, not quite.  He, too, is under the 
Inexorable regulation of the Nasty Bacon Slicer Man, though I 
Suppose it is possible he is sort of in cahoots with him at first, 
And when the Nasty Bacon Slicer Man slices a tiny piece from 
Your mind, as surely as you breath, and it flies to wherever tiny 
Little slices of your mind fly when they are sliced off … 
Maybe into a another form of filing run by the Mad Filing Clerk, 
Or maybe he has a boss? … but anyway, the Nasty Bacon Slicer 
Man works away, sort of slowly at first, and the Mad Filing 
Clerk then gets a reassuring heads up from the Nasty Bacon 
Slicer man and has time to keep up, and keeps things pretty neat 
And tidy, as far as he’s concerned – apart from those locked 
Filing cabinets which growl at him when he approaches them, 
And make him glad he threw away those keys - but as the 
Slicing speeds up, then he has to try to reorganise more of the 
Files that were associated with those which were sliced off and 
Went to we know not where, and so it goes, slice after slice, 
Filing cabinet reorganisation after filing cabinet reorganisation, 
Until the day, the dread day, when the Nasty Bacon Slicer Man 
Is slicing so fast that the Mad Filing Clerk can’t keep up, or 
Even pretend to keep up, anymore, and then when you wake up 
One fine sunny morning, not only is the one you love a stranger, 
Though perhaps not at first a total stranger because she reminds 
You of somebody but you can’t quite remember who, but the 
Name’s on the tip of your tongue, and then little bits of fluff 
Seem to stand between one synapse and another and she is just a 
Person, whatever a person is, and then, after more and more 
Inexorable slices you are a stranger to yourself, the poor, sad, 
Mad Filing Clerk having pulled out so many drawers and thrown 
Them up into the air in a cacophony of chaos that the Nasty 
Bacon Slicer Man smiles a grim smile, a winners smile, and 
Slows to slicing at his own easy pace, because the outcome has 
Been decided, the job done, and nothing matters anymore 
Except the long, dark descent into grey meaninglessness, the 
Slow, grinding complete betrayal, the tragic suicide of your self

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