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Thursday, 9 March 2017

President Trump’s Disability
The Founding Fathers were indeed very, very wise.
(Have you noticed how often Trump says, ‘very, very’?)
Indeed, there may have been a prophet in their midst.
The Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution
Of the mighty Land of The Free, those United (ish) States,
Deals with, thank God, succession to the Presidency.
How delightful; how wise; how alarmingly necessary!  
This insightful sliver of law establishes procedures both for
Filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President,
And, here’s the rub, to quote Will, as well as responding to
Presidential disabilities.  Is there anybody other than the most
Fervent Trump devotee who would not say that the President
Is well and truly, utterly, bizarrely and perilously incapacitated
In his brain box, noodle, noggin, bonce?  I doubt it, assuredly.
Even academics in their Ivory Towers and abstruse worlds
Of hankering for tenure, cloaks and gowns and training
In the fine art of faculty back-stabbing, have noticed!
Havard professor of psychiatry Judith Herman, an intrepid soul,
And lecturer in psychiatry at Colombia Uni Robert Lifton,
Tell us that "His erratic behaviour, including “repeated failure
To distinguish between reality and fantasy” and “paranoid
Claims of conspiracy”, cast doubt over his ability to react
Rationally in a crisis." Well, who’d have thought?  All of us!
Let’s be honest, he has gone beyond ‘Cuckoo’ and would
Now be well placed leading a crazed bunch of March hares. 
Oh, hold your wildest of horses, isn’t that exactly what he does?
35 mental health professionals also popped their heads up
Above the parapet and warned that the “grave emotional
Instability” indicated by Mr Trump’s behaviour made him -
Wait for it! - incapable of serving safely as President.
Step back with amazement!  What a revelation!  Stunned!
Jaw dropped!  No member of the dullard proletariat – plebs!-
Without their skill sets had considered this for even a second.
In the dark, we all were, quietly content in our humdrum world.
Mr Farage had assured us that all was well and so it must be.
Mind you, there have been psychiatrists who have warned
Against coming to judgement before meeting the man for
Purposes of diagnosis.   Hitler?  They really don’t get it. 
They’re stuck in their sacred procedures and tick boxes.  
Real people know the poor loon is totally potty, out to lunch,
A dime or three short of a dollar, doolally tap, a bent banana.   
I just wonder why the Democrats, and any sane American
Possessing courage, integrity and authority, aren't trying to stop
This modern day Caligula from destroying both democracy
And the planet. Seriously, let’s get real.  It isn’t going to be
Alright.  He won’t get better with time, he’ll get worse, and
Those who he chose to surround him will support his madness,
For they are riding a tiger and they are also at least more than
A little odd themselves.  Stop pretending, World.  It’s not right.
This isn’t what democracy is about, rule by a lying lunatic. 
So, come on every Tom, Dick, and Donald, face the reality that is,
Especially in the USA.  Please, don’t prevaricate, He’s nuts; really.
Get real and get rid of him now, before he grows too dominant.

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