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Sunday, 3 December 2017

Considering Moral Imperatives:

He looked up from the report,
His eyes dancing round his waiting colleagues. 
He held the casting vote so he had to be seen
To have carefully thought things through. 
There was the added complication
Of intense media interest –
Clever of whomsoever it was who contacted them! -  
And it was increasingly controversial. 
He had to ensure it didn’t become toxic
And damage the company’s good name.

“Well, I’ve carefully read the minority report
And know that the views expressed therein
Are carefully thought out,
And those who wrote it are
Sincere and well-meaning.”

He paused to smile sweetly at the little cabal.

“You have obviously studied these creatures
Over an extended period of time
And feel that they are sentient,
Have purpose,
And higher feelings.
I will deal first with the suggestion of sentience. 

One of the most emphasised points in support
Is their use of primitive tools. 
Many species use tools of different sorts;
I grant that these tools are more advanced than most. 
It’s true, too, that they seem to have cohesion and
They cooperate to form a complex society. 
Many creatures are capable of cooperation, however,
Building sophisticated structures and
Clearly delineating different roles.
Consider here the bees and ants.
Birds and, of course,
A broad range of primates,
Can also cooperate and use tools.
It has often, nonetheless, been suggested in this case
That though individually these creatures have little intelligence, 
Collectively, as a form of gestalt,
They have some sort of over-mind
Which gives their society a real purpose. 
There is no evidence to support this view.   
No purpose has been discerned other than survival.”

He paused slightly, coughed and sipped his drink
For dramatic effect, inwardly gently mocking himself.
He had always had a flair for the theatrical!

“I feel, therefore,
That there is insufficient evidence to support the view
That because they are busy they are sentient,
And have a sense of purpose. 
Further, I feel that my opinion is confirmed
By their total lack of higher feelings,
As evidenced by the way they treat and
Kill each other en masse,
Vast, untargeted slaughters,
Killing old, young,
Combatant and non-combatant,
With equal lack of discrimination.
Finally, I site their apparently total disregard
For damage to their local
And wider environment,
Fouling, as they do, their own nests,
Damage which will eventually, if unchecked,
Lead to the destruction of many of their larger habitats,
And possibly lead to species self-extinction. 
It is my decision, therefore,
That though we unfortunately
May hasten terminal damage,
There are other similar species elsewhere,
And our energy needs fairly outweigh
Any moral imperative to conserve these creatures …”

He found himself unable to avoid adding,
With slightly acid tongue,
As he again glanced up
At the troublesome,
‘Do-good’, clique …

“Cuddly and cute though some may see them!”

In more measured tones he then concluded.

“This project presents the cleanest,
Most efficient way,
To access much needed hydrogen and helium
With a minimum need for clean-up.  
I vote therefore in favour.”
Shielded against the intense heat,
AIs maneuvered the great, brilliant-white tankers,
Carefully moving close, but not too close,
Giving the appearance of a sharp-cut diamond girdle,
And extended their lances deep into
The G V yellow-dwarf star,
At around 4.6 billion years old,
Ripe to the point of perfection,
And as they slowly drew its lifeblood,
Its orbiting planets imperceptibly,
But inexorably grew darker. 
It would not be long before vegetation began to fail,
And the much discussed creatures on planet 3
Started to fight for diminishing resources. 
Arrogant and care-less humanity had failed the tests,
A triple fail, for intelligence, purpose and empathy,
And was set to die for the greater good,
To enable a clean energy project to proceed
In a galaxy too few had tried to comprehend.
And God sighed, gathering into his loving arms
The billions of homeless souls,
Once again.

Created he then a new universe
And, in deep love and hope,
Once more spake he thus
Into the darkness:
“Fiat lux!”

Monday, 13 November 2017

Hero’s Return – a sonnet:

We count the body-bags as they come home,
And grieving widows face new poverty,
After the corpse is shuffled to his tomb,
And she becomes a liability.
The army give her a support package,
But they leave home, school, their locality,
And round broken hearts tight wind a bandage,
A soft shield against life’s cold cruelty.
It’s much better now than it used to be.
They received a telegram at the door,
If lucky the vicar would come for tea,
With kind friends who had seen it all before.
A hero’s widow’s lot is a hard one,
Not much that’s good comes from using a gun.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Youthful Dissonance:

The cow stood, leaning slightly against the gate and looked him
Straight in the eye.  Very slowly, as though speaking to an idiot
She asked him what he thought he was doing, staring at the herd
Like that?  As he stood there, somewhat surprised, his mouth
Slightly open, she spoke again, enquiring whether he was deaf
Or stupid?  He shook his head, rather at a loss, but managed to
Pull himself together enough to tell her he was just passing by, 
And apologise for any offence given, saying it was unintended.
She nodded and then told him to just bugger off and mind his 
Own business, and that cows most certainly weren’t part of that.
He bobbed his acceptance, straightened his hat as opposed to his
Dignity and walked on with what he hoped was a touch of style.
As he did so he could hear the unmistakable sound of the herd
Laughing at him behind his back.  That was really unnecessary!
She sighed, staring at the exquisite, freshly cut flowers she had 
So carefully arranged in the vase just moments before.  The now 
Drooping stems and half dead blooms made her think them like 
Elderly aristocrats bent by time, their faces blurred recordings of 
Former, youthful glory.  There had been another temporal slip.   
They appeared to be happening more frequently, but she could 
Not be sure.  She would probably miss any which occurred as 
She was sleeping.  She wondered, yet again, why it was always 
Happening to her but apparently nobody else.  When she tried 
Talking to others about it, they obviously thought her crazed!
She rubbed her eyes tiredly.  When she opened them again she 
Saw a vase of flowers which were in full bloom, their fragrance 
Filling the room.   She smiled.  This, she remembered clearly, 
Was the display she’d made when her twin sons were about to 
Celebrate their fourth birthday.  Now, this would be wonderful!
They stood, awestruck, watching the waterfall cascade up the 
Cliff face to the lake where earlier they had seen a Portuguese 
Submarine torpedo a large brigantine proudly baring the name 
Mary Celeste.  Their tour guide told the hushed group that it 
Had not always been thus, and it was said that in bygone days 
Waterfalls had fallen, which is why they were not, as neat logic 
Would clearly dictate, called waterups.  The group collectively 
Shook their heads in disbelief, and turned to lumber back to the
Waiting coach.  They entered, took their seats, placing their feet 
On the peddles, and on the guides sharp call of, “1, 2, 3, go!” all 
Pressed down in unison and the charabanc lurched forward and 
In so doing woke the drivers, smartly dressed but lugubrious 
Bears, both heavy smokers, taking it turn about to roll cigarettes 
Which on ignition magically sent clouds of sparks heavenward. 
He looked at his wife and could see she wasn’t happy.  He asked 
Himself if he’d done anything wrong and decided not.  He next 
Asked himself if he had the time to listen to whatever it was that 
Was troubling her, scanning the mental horizons for clues as to 
Whatever it might be.  Checks all made, he went for it, asking if 
She was somewhat troubled.  To his high relief she said she was 
But it probably was just something she was allowing to get out 
Of proportion.  He waited and then softly asked if talking about 
It would help.  It transpired she was worried about young Jah.  
Oh, he was working hard at his creations and he showed many 
Skills well in advance of his years but … she paused.  Sensibly 
He, as expected, asked her, but what?  With that encouragement 
She continued, saying that she was immensely proud of him, 
And he showed a real talent, ensuring that their family business 
Would be in safe hands in perpetuity but … he did weird things 
With his creations, constantly putting the creatures in bizarre 
Situations to study how they’d respond, and she wondered if he 
Wasn’t being somewhat cruel.  He smiled reassuringly and told 
Her not to worry, it was just a phase male gods went through 
And he’d for sure settle down in another billion years or so and 
Eventually leave them to develop naturally.  She nodded, rather 
Relieved, and returned to observing the creatures in her newest 
Work learning to cooperate and domesticate animals.  She was 
Really well-pleased with her latest creation she had named a cat.
She’d done her very best to mould it exactly in her own image.

Saturday, 4 November 2017

The Kindly Snow – A Love Story:

The snow fell soft against his cheek like a butterfly’s kisses,
Whispering winters chill.  It was getting deeper now, his legs
Heavier as he pushed forward, assisted by a keen but kindly
Wind at his back.  His mind went back to the Summer of 69,
Better by far than Brian Adam’s song.  They were lying on
The grass together in the Bot Gardens beside a sign which,
Now covered with his jacket, entreated them to keep off it.
A butterfly alighted upon her nose and her eyes opened very
Slowly, and crossed as she tried to see what the interloper
Was.  When it flew off he stroked her cheek, kissed her and
Told her he loved her.  She laughed gently, touching his lips
Most tenderly, calling him to silence.  No complications.
When she went away he nearly went mad.  He ached for her,
Shaking, his heart pounding, bereft, grieving but knowing she
Was alive.  His longing took him to dark places, a foul pit he
Had not known existed.  Their phone calls lasted for hours
And made him miss her even more.  She was a voice he needed
To hold.  She had a mind which made his fly to places where
He hadn’t known there were places.  They had brought each
Other to new music, writers and artists.   Long into the night
They had talked of politics, people, philosophy, God and the
World as they would wish it to be, and then fallen into bed 
Exhausted, too tired to make love, but their bodies would touch
And magic would stir them yet again, and they would fly!
He remembered the first time he had seen her naked.  When
She pulled her jumper over her head and he saw her breasts
He forgot to breathe.  Wryly he wondered what it was that
So got guys going about breasts.  Was it the ultimate Oedipus 
Complex or some atavistic knowledge that they would be good
For feeding the growing tribe, the seed of his loins?  Inwardly
He laughed softly and felt still the echo of the awe.  He had 
Never tired of that sight, even as the years rolled swiftly by,
Never tired of the little snuffling noises she made when she
Was asleep.  He had told her somewhere in her family tree she
Had hedgehog!  But then he’d lie, his body against hers, and 
Stroke her gently until she sleepily reached for him and they
Made love again, and afterwards drifted off, alternately sweat 
Chilling, and too hot to hold each other, too much in love not to.
His mind wandered then to the airport where he had stood with
A sign with ‘Snuffles’ written on it, waiting for her to deplane,
Waiting to hold her again after her long absence, and the shock
Of seeing her!  Surely she could not be so beautiful, so poised
And yet so vulnerable, her eyes darting everywhere and then 
Landing on him and a smile lighting her face and clutching his 
Heart as she ran forward into his arms, crushing the silly sign,
And he held her, he remembered, held her and never wanted
To let go, ever, and he resolved then and there, he never would.
Their wedding came then to mind, just the two of them and
Their neighbours as witnesses.  Had it been possible they 
Wouldn’t even have had those; they only wanted each other.
And he smiled at the memory of their conversations about 
Getting married and their eventual agreement, in a very adult
Manner, that it made sense, legally, if anything should happen
To one of them, and then admitting after the event that it had
All been bullshit, and they’d married because their love had
Told them to do so, and that might not be the thing for other
People, but for whatever reason, it was for them.  And then 
There had been the kids and his need to step back from being
Number one in her scheme of things but number two, then
Three and finally four, and he hadn’t minded, for watching
Her love of them, their so very personal creations and solid
Outcomes of their love, had often left him totally enthralled.
And then darkness fell on him as he remembered the decline. 
It had all seemed peaceful and full of good intent at first, just 
Folk quite reasonably calling for recognition of their right to 
Choose their faith, but the savage backlash from those he had 
Always thought better of meant he had found himself defending 
Those who  were being oppressed.  As it had all continued he 
Found his own people turning against him, reckoning him to be 
A quisling.  After the second attack on the house he had asked 
Her to go and stay with one of their now adult children who 
Lived in far off Canada, or her Aunt’s friends in the Lebanon, 
Untroubled by the internecine strife that was now taking place
Around them, increasingly vicious and bloody.  His mind made 
Comparisons with the way it must have been in Germany when 
Hitler’s dark perversion seduced the people similarly.  His heart 
Had come near to breaking when increasingly he saw his folk 
Choose to ignore the gross injustice of their position. So it was 
That her refusal to leave to a place of safety, even as the threats 
Grew, had placed a deep sense of foreboding deep inside him. 
They had, he recalled, been walking hand in hand round the lake
Where they had so often taken their dogs.  The trees reflected on
The water, shimmering slightly in a southern breeze.  They had
Stopped to watch a seagull showing off to his flock which lay 
Calmly upon the face of the water, and as he stooped down to 
Pick a dandelion to put in her hair the shot had rung out, a harsh 
Crack juxtaposed with bird song, and for a moment it was silent,
And outside of time, and then she was falling towards the water 
And the dogs were barking wildly.   He remembered the flurry
As the seagulls had reached for the air, wheeling and calling as 
He stepped into the lake and put his arms under her and lifted
Her out.  He knew straightway she was dead, a neat hole near
Her temple on one side and a large hole, blood and grey matter 
On the other, and he remembered he had howled, roared and 
Screamed his loss and anger.  Then he’d looked up, astonished.
The man was grey haired, gone to fat, wearing fatigues and had
A rifle held loosely in his hand which he noticed absently had a 
Telescopic site on it.  He somehow didn’t connect the man with 
What had happened for a second and then saw the smirk on his
Porcine face and from somewhere far away heard a voice tell 
How he’d fumbled the shot when he’d suddenly knelt down but 
Seeing the bitch lying there dead was okay with him.  As he 
Then brought the gun forward he had gone berserk, grabbing 
The barrel, hearing another crack of sound and head-butting
The killer, kicking him, gouging at his eyes, sobbing with wild 
Rage, and eventually taking the gun from the now battered and 
Bloody bastard and using it as a club, swinging it to catch him 
Under the jaw which made an audible sound as the man fell 
Back, sprawling on the ground beside her, beside his love, by 
His dead true love, and as he half noticed the ululating of the 
Approaching siren he swung it down again and again and again.
Life had been on automatic thereafter.  Friends and family at 
First secretly and then to his face expressed their concern at his 
‘Keeping it all in’.  He had listened politely and nodded both his 
Understanding and appreciation for their concern. Later he had
Stood and watched her casket slide through the little doors to be 
Consumed in the flame, and for a moment his love and loss
Were near to surfacing, but he thought of that large hole and the 
Blood and grey matter and shrugged.  She most surely wasn’t in 
That box.  After the whole charade was over he went round and 
Listened to well-meaning platitudes and thanked people for their 
Kind words and for coming and then wished them all farewell.
He had let the dust settle and then visited each of his children in 
Turn, leaving the dogs with he who loved them most and had 
The land, and the cats with he who they loved most and obeyed 
Them!  He then made an appointment with a house clearance 
Company, got them to liaise with the estate agent and as that all 
Progressed he attended an appointment with his solicitor, an old
Friend of many years, told him his plans and got the paperwork 
All signed and cleared tidily out of the way.  Leaving there he 
Made the way to the airport and took a flight, first class, to the 
Lebanon where after a short limousine ride he booked in to his 
Favourite hotel in Beirut, the Radisson Blu Martinez, and was 
Taken to the suite which they had always used when they had 
Holidayed here, their favourite destination.  From their balcony 
On the eighth floor they had had an excellent view of the clear 
Mediterranean, and the city centre was but a short ride away.
Having settled in he organised a limo to take him to the Abe 
Naim restaurant.  He noticed the latest renovation work at the 
Piccadilly Theatre across the road had completed their refurb.  
They had enjoyed many an evening there.  He turned, leaving 
The heat, and sat in solitary silence, ordering a mezza and eating 
All their favourite foods, tasting none of them and thinking of 
Her, his darling, his true and only love, his reason for living. ……………………………………………………………….......
Remarkably he had slept well.  It could have been something to 
Do with the Remy he had sat sipping until the wee small hours.  
For the first time, he had wept.  Not great gulping sobs which 
Part of him felt he owed himself, but soft, cheek-stroking tears 
That were full of pieces of his shattered heart.  He remembered 
When they had been apart, his grieving and their phone calls.  It 
Made him smile as he recalled his later call with the phone 
Company, challenging his $3,000 bill.  In the end they accepted, 
Going on his previous bills, it must be an error and he hadn’t 
Had to pay.  When he told her, she threw her arms around his 
Neck, told him he was a genius and kissed him, a kiss which led 
On from one thing to another and they’d set off to their bedroom 
But ended up making love on the stairs.  God, he loved her so 
Much, and that fat, stupid bastard had snuffed out her glorious 
Bright, flaring flame in an instant!  His grip tightened on the 
Glass and it shattered in his hand.  He threw the remnant at the 
Wall, wrapped a towel round his hand to stop the blood, took a 
Swig from the bottle and then went to the bedroom and slept.
He had enjoyed breakfast, and gone off to visit the Jeita Grotto.  
It was less than 20 klicks from the hotel and they had never 
Tired of visiting it.  He then returned, booked out and picked up 
The hire car he’d arranged.  He threw his bag in the back, then 
Whacked the a/c up and set off through the chaos that was the 
Traffic in Beirut.  Normally she had driven here; she drove like 
A demon, banging on the wheel, holding down the horn, making 
Most unladylike gestures and generally loving playing chicken 
With startled locals.  Uncaring, he did his best to emulate her, 
For Auld Lang Syne.  Eventually he got out of town and a little 
Over an hour later arrived in the vicinity of Faraya.  They had 
Visited her ageing Aunt here for many years and though they 
Didn’t ski, enjoyed the area most in December when there was 
Plenty of snow.  This year there was even more than usual.
He parked the car up a little track and sat looking at the icing 
Sugar covered trees.  Unzipping his bag he took out a bottle of 
Remy and a crystal glass which she had given him many years 
Ago.  He had never told her that the crystal was too thick for a 
Good brandy glass.  He filled it deliberately, put the cork back 
In the bottle and drank a toast to her.  As he drank he saw her 
Face, her dancing eyes, the soft curve of her lips as she smiled.  
He listened to her laughter, her snuffling and the music of her 
Voice caressing once more his heart.  He didn’t mind the tears, 
Thinking wryly how he’d always been appalled at the idea of 
Cognac and water, and slowly, there was no need to hurry, he
Let all that was her consume his mind.  When he finished the 
Bottle he put the cork back, placed it tidily in his bag and with
The key in the ignition, he got out and walked off up the track.
The snow got thicker, each step becoming more of an effort.
He no longer felt the cold and the deep, scratching pain, and 
Was starting to lose feeling in much of his extremities.  He had 
Always found it difficult not to judge harshly people who took 
Their own lives.  He didn’t think of his action as suicide but 
Accepting that people could, he had made everything as tidy as 
Possible and hopefully left the situation in sufficient doubt that 
It might equally be assumed he had just taken a walk whilst 
Drunk, got lost and … the rest was history!  On that thought he 
Stopped and sat down.  He wasn’t committing suicide, he was 
Doing that which was logical.  Life without her was not a life he 
Was prepared to accept, and in his belief system he had every 
Hope that this way he’d see them reunited.  He smiled a little 
Ruefully.  It was a bit of a gamble!  Still, he was tired, and it 
Seemed to him that the best thing to do was lie down and sleep.
He felt something gently touch his lips and slowly he opened his 
Eyes.  It was her!  Her smile burst over him, a waterfall of love, 
Colour and light.  She held out her hand to help him up and his 
Heart reassembled itself and filled him with an overwhelming 
Joy.  He rose easily to his feet and somehow was in her arms 
Again, like at the airport so long ago, and once more he vowed 
He would not lose her again.  He stepped back and told her she 
Was even more inviting than a bottle of 1988 Bollinger.  And he 
Stood, then, staring at her, falling into the love in her eyes, and 
Tears rolled once more down his cheeks, but this time there was 
No restraint and the sobbing he owed himself happened, and he 
Was gulping for air, telling her what it had been like when he 
Saw her lying there, her beautiful, wonderful and endlessly 
Fascinating brain oozing out into the water, and the fat, sneering 
Clown who he’d killed and given serious thought to destroying 
His entire family, and he was in her arms again, and she was S
troking the back of his head gently, telling him everything was 
Alright, and as his gasping sobs slowed down and he put all that 
Pain where it belonged, behind him, he realised that it would be, 
Gloriously, wonderfully, eternally, and she had a whole new 
lain of existence to show him.  She took his head in her hands, 
Kissed his eyes tenderly, like a butterfly, took his hand and, her 
Eyes dancing, asked him softly when it was he’d last made love.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

The Rocky Road To Epiphany:

Here, dear-hearts, is a story I must tell to you, just 
as it was told to me over a series of mellow evenings 
sitting sipping fine brandy from Kepler-186f  in a bar
on a sturdy old freighter bound for the research facility 
which circles the super nova, Betelgeuse.  I offer it to 
you pretty much verbatim in the hope that you will 
both learn and enjoy.
She stood on the hill, a gentle breeze on her face.
The day was pleasantly warm, as usual, despite the 
Full cloud cover, also as usual.  Birds and insects
Were busy doing what they do best, and there was a 
Gentle hum in air.  A couple of rabbits had come out 
Of their burrows early, unwisely as it happened, but 
It would doubtless please the hawk that lazily rode a 
Thermal, waiting, though not for much longer.  She 
Brushed a fly from her lip and looked down into the 
Softly rolling valley below and studied the markers.
The mist rolled in; dense, deep and unfathomable,
Removing everything it covered – not removing
From view, though it certainly did that, no, this
Mist removed things, completely.  She knew not
Where it removed things to, but remove things
It most certainly did.  She knew this.  She had held
A long branch and thrust it into the mist, then with
Care removing it.  No, that’s inaccurate.  She didn’t
Remove it.  That part which had been in the mist
Was removed.  She was left holding only that part
Of the branch which had not entered the mist. It
Was neatly cut.  She knew, too, that it would
Cauterise any wound it cut.  The Fool, named thus 
Affectionately for his phenomenal intellect, having 
Lost his hand in an atypically, most foolish act of 
Bravado.  He would not so swiftly thrust himself 
Into that which he knew not again!  That said, in 
Truth, it was most fortunate he had not done as was 
His original intent and stuck his head in to take a 
Look round!  She shuddered slightly at the thought.

She shook the thought from her mind and turned
To pick up her bicycle.  She had confirmed what
She had thought was the case.  It had marginally
But inexorably increased its pace.  According to
Her calculations, if it continued at this rate, it
Would reach her home within three months, and the 
Village only two months after that.  If it sped up, 
Who knew!  It was all, truly, somewhat academic, 
However, as even with the rationing they’d be down 
To eating grass and leaves before another month was 
Out.  At the thought of food her stomach cramped.  
She gave an ironic smile.  She had been planning to 
Lose a little weight for quite some time.  She had no 
Idea that it could be this easy.  How truly wonderful!
On that thought she pushed her foot down on the 
Peddle and rode on home, Georgio loping along 
Happily at her side.  What she needed was tea!
She woke to the sound of the school bells ringing.
It was the weekend.  Something must be going on!
Swiftly she rolled out of bed, gave Georgio a soft
Nudge and proceeded to throw some clothes on.
Next, onto her bike and she rode like a demon
Through the dawn’s fresh light to the village, to
Find there sleepy villagers all making their way
To the school to see what was going on.  She was
Greeted, as always, with cheerful respect and the
Folk gave way so she could enter first, swiftly
Followed by Georgio.  She wondered yet again
How it was he managed to be such a slug but
Also on the mark exactly wherever she went!
Pushing that thought aside, she opened the school
Door, and entered cautiously, there to find the Fool,
Breathing heavily from his most unaccustomed
Venture into the world of freestyle bell ringing. 
A momentary flash of annoyance flitted through
Her mind, thinking this one of his pranks, and
Then she brought herself up short.  He had been
Ringing both the bells!  Her eyes flew to his arms,
There to find a hand at the end of each of them.
Now that was worth waking everybody up for!

When all were seated she held up her hand
For silence and then gestured to the Fool.  His
Hands flew – she guiltily thought to herself
How very difficult life must have been for him
When he had been unable to communicate –
And she translated his signing for the audience.
His tale was strange indeed.  He had thought,
Certainly, it must be a dream until he had looked
And felt the wonder of it.  Not only was it a
Hand, but it was a better hand.  It no longer bore 
Upon it the scars of his childhood accident when
He had near fallen in the fire, his hand doing so. 
He held it high for all to see the smooth skin and 
Complete absence of the familiar scarring.  No
Sign was there of surgery, just his hand being
Where it was meant to be.  Though it was all
Most odd and jumbled in his head, it happened,
Best he could recall, thus: he had just drifted off
To sleep when he was disturbed by a noise, a soft 
Tapping at the back door.  Cautiously he had risen 
And gone to see whether it may be his cat, Squeaker,
Whom all there knew he loved most dearly, but on
Opening the door found there a strangeness!  He felt 
No fear, though he knew not why, and welcomed
It in.  It was tall, willowy and, he thought, with a 
Fine collection of sinuous arms.  Then, somehow,
It was, he could not see it clear, but its voice was
Most soft, gentle and melodic.  Suddenly the story   
Halted as he paused his signing for a moment, a look 
Of absolute astonishment crossing his face, and then, 
With an initial hesitancy, he spoke!  It was as though 
A dam had burst; words poured from him in torrents.
All there were amazed, for it was known that he
Had suffered extraordinary abuse as a child in his 
Far off home country and had had the tongue ripped
From his head.  Clearly it, or similar, had also been 
Returned to him.  She let him gabble his joy for a 
Few minutes and then held up her hand with the 
Universal gesture to halt.  She asked him then, not
More of his mending, but if it was that his guest had 
Spoken more, and so it most certainly was … but he 
Recalled nothing more, even with the most careful 
Prompts.  Thus they filed slowly from the school, 
Another mystery to add to their list!  She then took 
Him home for a frugal lunch, to let him enjoy the 
Wonder of being able to talk and need no signing.
Georgio’s snoring woke her, not, to be sure, for the 
First time.  She had no idea where the extra bags of
Vegetables had come from, for him, but whoever 
Had left them outside her door had shown truly a 
Great kindness.  He would be most pleased.  That 
Puzzle aside, she turned and once again walked to 
The bathroom, peering through the half-light into 
Her not oft used mirror.  There was no doubt about 
It, the grey had gone from her hair and she had a
Serious reduction in wrinkles.  She was not alone
In receiving this rejuvenation, indeed the triple 
Centenarian Old Jun had risen from his bed for the 
First time in a six month and was planning to take up 
His paint brushes once again and hopefully thrill as 
He always had ere this with his glorious, life-given 
And extraordinarily vital portraits.  This bounty did 
Not appear to be universal, however, and those 
Villagers who had less than a century under their 
Belt were unchanged, or at least they appeared to be 
So, but of course, they were not showing signs of 
Ageing to start with.  She shrugged.  If she wasn’t 
Always hungry she would be more than happy, 
Despite the mystery of it all.  The Hell with it; she
Would use a little of her precious remaining gas and 
Have a tea.  As she watched the kettle get warm she 
Considered how lucky it was that she lived in such a 
Large house, though she rattled around in it.  She 
Had managed to eke out her gas more than most by 
Closing most of it off and pulling up floor boards
To use to heat the place using her ancient huǒlú
Which almost universally people had considered a 
Quaint but inefficient antique.  She suddenly smiled, 
Despite herself.  She took the tea and went out and 
Sat under her old friend the oak, sitting where she 
Had always sat since childhood.  She felt far too 
Young and fit to die!  Another irony; the mist now 
Stood still!  She looked up as dear Georgio came out 
Of the door and strolled over to her.  He was, as he 
Always had been for as far back as she could cast 
Her mind, which was she thought wryly, a pretty 
Long way, very fine to see, and there was no way  
She could imagine life without him.  She reached 
Down and stroked his most delicately soft, floppy 
Ears the way he liked and he made a soft burbling 
Noise of pleasure as she told him that more food had 
Arrived for him and then sighed, giving vent to her 
Desire for more food to come for the villagers who 
All had shared so very well, and some for her also!
Again she woke to the ringing of the school bells
And hurried down the hill on her rickety old bike,
Georgio lopping along at her side.  Whatever the
Terrain, his strong legs made for easy locomotion.
She came to a halt in front of the school where the
Gathering villagers were standing round a large –
Very large – silver container.  All eyes went to her
And you could have heard a pin drop.  She almost
Forgot to dismount, but did so and carefully took
A walk round the object.  There were no obvious
Openings.  She scooped up a small stick, bearing
In mind the Fool’s experience, and tapped the side.
Nothing.  She stood in contemplation, gently giving
Georgio a stroke.  The villagers were used to him,
Since he had been with her for as long as she could
Remember, which was longer than the majority of
Them had been alive, and he burbled contentedly
As her brain raced.  Suddenly, for reasons she knew
Not, the Fool came forward.  With the hand he had
Lost and had returned he reached out and touched
The object’s side.  Everybody moved back swiftly,
As silently, like a flower swiftly blooming, it opened
And revealed multiple, neatly stacked boxes within.

She often wondered why the folk deferred to her.  It 
Seemed half a lifetime ago since she had been their 
Teacher but they had then, and it was no different 
Now, as with scrupulous fairness all the contents of 
The boxes were methodically and calmly shared out.  
Later, relative to their personal likes and dislikes,
The people could make exchanges, she had told 
Them, but for now they would all receive the same.  
As the last of the food was being distributed the Fool 
Took his home and returned after a short time with a 
Freshly made cup of tea for her.  He knew just how 
She liked it, from all the hours that they had spent 
Together whilst she had taught him to sign, and 
Then over the long years since when he had come to 
Her house to ‘talk’ and to break his loneliness.  He
Then took himself into the school and rang the bells
In celebration.  Suddenly life looked much better!
Seven more containers appeared as time passed and
Seven more times she saw to the distribution, and 
With particular joy when the third arrived with a full
Compliment of gas cylinders for the households.
The mist remained just where it was and the older
Folk continued to rejuvenate, Old Jun increasing his 
Frenzied work with paints gathered from all who did 
Not need them.  Also she, the Fool and Old Jun had 
Started digging over his old vegetable patch, unused 
For many a year, with plans to plant it up with as 
Many of the wild plants that they could eat.  They 
Needed to think more long-term.  She had run a few 
Lessons with the village children, quite enjoying her 
Recall to duty, and taught them which they should 
Search for, and now they were all duty bound to 
Scour all of the remaining countryside for nature’s 
Bounty when they had finished their half-day of 
Schooling, but not take it home for family eating.      
She had initially been elated with the way things 
Were improving but with the passing of time found 
Herself becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the
Great mystery that was in total control of their lives.
Then she woke one morning, she thought, like any 
Other and suddenly she found that that had changed!
It was Georgio who had first made her realise that
Something was going on.  He had pulled her cover
From her bed and his antennae were quivering with
Excitement.  Remarkable!  Georgio, as a general
Rule, didn’t ‘do’ mornings.  Up she got and was
Soon dressed.  Looking outside it seemed like any
Other day.  She made her tea and went and sat in
Her usual spot, Georgio burbling and nudging her
So she almost dropped her precious beverage.  Then
She did!  There, in the gap between the hills, where
She could see the mist, there was no mist.  She tore
Over to her bicycle and peddled furiously towards
The latest marker bars.  As she rose up the final hill
Her eyes feel upon an extraordinary sight!  Instead
Of the mist she saw that there was some sort of
Transparent barrier, and looking up she could see
That it was, in fact, a dome.  Beyond the dome she
Could see black rocks, almost as far as the eye could
See.  Beyond that, in the distance, lay what seemed
Were probably mountains where mountains should
Not be.  She saw, too, as she looked out and upward
That the perpetual cloud cover had cleared, and the
Sky outside the dome was dark and star studded!
Some binoculars and Old Jun’s telescope had been
Pressed into use, and they had established beyond
Any reasonable doubt that they were in a dome, on
A large rock, which was moving through space by
Way of being towed or pushed by some form of 
Beams of light which emanated from four vast craft,
The like of which they’d never even imagined.  She
Had no idea what was going on but considered, with
What she hoped was a dispassionate and analytic
Mind, various options, none of which were to be 
Seen as immediately dangerous.  One was that
They had been ‘kidnapped’ as interesting, though
Primitive, specimens for some kind of zoo.  Some 
How that didn’t ring true.  Theoretically, at least,
An advanced civilisation would have an advanced 
Ethical code.  If they hadn’t they, in all likelihood,
Wouldn’t have advanced.  It was possible, she 
Mused, that they had been rescued from a destroyed 
Planet.  That appeared unlikely, too, however, since
None in the village had any recollection of a threat
Of that extraordinary nature before the mist had 
Closed their lives off from the rest of the world.
What was clear, especially through the food and 
Fuel deliveries and the rejuvenation, that they, 
Whoever controlled this whole setup, weren’t in the
Business of doing them harm.  So, she concluded,
She’d have to wait and see.  In the meanwhile she
Would continue to enjoy the view overhead when
The artificial sun went slowly down in the evening.
Again Georgio woke her.  She sat up with a start.  
There was somebody knocking on her door.  She 
Pulled on her old dressing gown and followed the
Obviously excited Georgio.  Opening the door she
Surprised herself by not being surprised!  There 
Stood a creature that almost mirrored her Georgio, 
Though it differed in that it appeared to have a 
Shallow indentation in its back from which came 
Two appendages absent from Georgio, each ending 
With a series of tentacles which looked somewhat as 
Though they were cartilaginous and would be able
To be used to manipulate objects just as her hands
Could.  Indeed in one there appeared to be a formal 
Gift of a bottle of baijiu!  Randomly her mind flew 
Back to the last time she had tasted it, an occasion 
When she, Old Jun and the Fool had polished over 
Three bottles off in an all-night debate.  Somehow 
Her visitor appeared to bow, firstly and most rigidly 
And seriously to Georgio, who burbled contentedly,
And then slightly more relaxed, to her.  It pressed,
Next, a button on an apparatus it wore round its 
Neck and spoke to her in clear, well-modulated and 
Unaccented Mandarin offering her proper greetings
And handing her the bottle of baijiu which she took, 
Whimsically considering cracking it open this very 
Instant!  She instead gave it a most formal reply and 
Welcome and then asked it in and on automatic pilot 
She made herself a tea as her guest and Georgio 
Burbled to each other.  She considered, in the fog of 
Her confusion which threatened then, momentarily 
To overwhelm her reason, that Georgio had not been 
Doing his equivalent of purring, perhaps, but could  
Well have been talking to her!  What a fool she was!

She walked down the hill, dressed and in full control
Of her intellect, her guest and Georgio on either Side. 
It was her turn to ring the bells, which she did
With gusto!  It was harder than she remembered, but 
The people came on the run.  When they were seated 
She introduced her guest and asked him – he was a 
Him – to repeat the story that she had recently heard.  
After they had all politely clapped, he did just that.
He commenced with the arrival of Georgio, telling 
How it was that through all their research over the 
Years they had learned that her father found him in a 
Life pod in deep space and returned home with him, 
And as the state showed no interest, chose to link 
Him with his only child, his daughter, as company.  
This was at the end of the outward urge of humanity, 
And mutual suspicion was resulting in countries 
Drawing back from space and pouring their funds 
Into what were referred to as ‘defensive weapons.’
The pair had bonded immediately and became
Inseparable.  They did not know that then, however, 
Indeed Georgio’s people had at first thought him 
Killed with his parents and all upon her, after the 
Ship he was on was destroyed by meteor strikes of 
Unprecedented proportions, overwhelming its shield 
And defences.  It was discovered then that an escape 
Pod had been released, however, and that pod was 
Eventually found, empty.  Much time and effort had 
Been thrown into finding him who they knew as 
Georgio, for his parents were the most revered of 
Philosophers and sages.  Within their culture the 
Genes of the species were manipulated to develop 
Skills within progeny, Georgio being the final result 
Of a gene programme which had been taking place 
Over a period of several thousand years.  His mind 
Was the culmination of the ultimate endeavour of 
Their society to produce a being who was the very 
Finest that their species had to offer the universe.  
He, it was, who would go forward, when mature, to 
Act as advocate for them to gain their admission to 
The next, higher phase which was possible for the 
Development of their Inner Core, that which was 
Eternal within all living things, to allow release of 
Their physical forms and advancement to the next  
Sphere Of Learning.  Imagine, he said to them, our 
Sense of loss when we found him gone, and imagine 
Our joy when, after a huge and time-consuming 
Search, with hopes raised and  dashed over and over 
Again, we knew we had found him.  It was then, as 
We were about to extract him from the situation, that 
Catastrophe struck your planet.  It was, we believe, 
From going over radio chatter, the result of a tragic 
Accident, but for whatever reason, a series of awful  
Nuclear strikes took place.  As it escalated we made 
Contact with he whom you know as Georgio, and 
Made clear the danger and his need to come with us.  
He, however, refused!  This, we have posited, is part 
Of a higher ethical code which he has developed.  
Whatever the reason, since he would not leave, we 
Had to defend the area which he calls his home, with 
The limited resources we had on site, unprepared as 
We were for such an eventuality – an error which 
Has now been recognised and will not be repeated.    
A stasis field was thrown over it, holding you all in 
Timeless thrall, and then the entire village, with 
Georgio’s house and the surroundings, was tractored 
Off the planet and placed upon a small moon of a 
Neighbouring planet where it was swiftly anchored.  
The structure you are now in is, indeed, your real 
And original home, as we were instructed it should 
Be, and a dome, artificial gravity and various other 
Technical systems have been applied to it to let you 
Have the home as you see it and remain safe therein.
The Wise One has led the project since that time.  
He instructed that the mist be created to allow you 
To hold hope initially that all was safe beyond it.  It 
Moved in slowly so that you might learn to deal with 
The fact that the outer world is gone.  The hardships 
You have endured with regard to food and fuel have 
Obliged you to cooperate and fall back on your own 
Resources.  It has also made you appreciate what it 
Is that you have.  Over the last period, with food and 
Fuel, he has seen you to be well enough adjusted as 
Individuals and as a community to cope with the 
Truth.   Finally, the rejuvenation is his gift to thank 
You for caring for him so well, for so long.  You can 
All have considerably longer lives, if you so wish it.

He stopped, and after a moment there was bedlam!
Georgio had remained with her, apart from a few
Hours when he was linked with his symbiont.  That 
Relationship was ideal.  All the creatures required, 
After their breeding phase was complete, was food 
And security.  The mind was almost non-existent 
Once it no longer needed to reproduce, so it linked 
Handily with those of Georgios species, and it had 
Been so since time immemorial, thus giving them 
The manipulative capacity they needed for making 
Their ideas concrete.  She had got used to it very 
Quickly, and loved his real joy in the freedoms it 
Gave him, but at first she had felt really clumsy in 
Georgio’s company.  She had always loved him and 
Tried to ensure his happiness but in some ways, she 
Supposed, she had treated him as a pet, and he was 
Some super-mind which could run rings round her 
Intellect.  Perhaps it was because he truly was as he 
Was meant to be that the stiffness on her side in the 
Relationship was swiftly dissipated.  He wore now a 
Translation device, though he told her, again to her 
Initial embarrassment, he had long understood every 
Word she said.  It was just a near impossibility for 
His vocal organs to make the noises required for 
Human speech, thus he had not been able to speak to 
Her until he had access to the device, and now that 
He could, he found it a great joy, but on thinking on 
It, had he been able to talk with her originally then 
He would not have spent so much time listening to 
Her, and learning from all she said.  He also quickly 
Reassured her that he really loved having his ears 
And antennae stroked as she did, and the noise he 
Made, his burbling at that time, was indeed his form 
Of purring!  He allowed her time to adjust at her 
Own speed, but it was really very soon they were 
Talking freely, for they had so much to talk about, 
And he even started making her tea!  So it was as 
The dome continued on its journey through space. 
They learned that their eventual destination was a 
Most mellow and gentle planet where lived humans, 
Their distant ancestors.  It was named Epiphany.
These kind folk were part of humanity’s first, and 
More successful, adventures into space, a Great 
Diaspora spread among the stars in the period of the 
Earth’s history which was to be much later peppered 
With so many legends of strange events, buildings, 
Spacecraft, spacemen, star charts, great advanced 
Civilisations rising and then disappearing in most 
Peculiar circumstances, all giving rise to a fine mix 
Of adventurous thinking and conspiracy theories. 
She found that the Fool and Old Jun visited them 
Increasingly often and their discourses on life, its 
Meaning, ethics, cultures and the like with Georgio, 
As he insisted they still call him, went deep into the 
Night.  The initial bottle of baijiu didn’t last long but 
Fortunately, in their new circumstances it was easily 
Replenished.   A melancholy then started to creep in, 
However, as they were informed that they were now 
Nearing their destination, and soon, with the happy 
Agreement of the present inhabitants on their new 
Planet, the dome would be tractored down to a 
Pleasant, unoccupied area on its surface, peaceful, 
Theirs, but near enough for support in settling, and 
The process of digging it in would then take place
After which the fleet, and Georgio, would depart.
On what was to be their last night together, they sat 
Quietly, she stroking his antennae gently.  He then 
Broke the silence, somewhat atypically hesitant, and 
Asked her if she was looking forward to the morrow 
And her new home-world.  She admitted that she 
Was not, it truth.  He then took a deep breath and 
Spoke again, telling her that it was from her he had 
Learned his ethical codes and all that mattered to 
Him.  Since she had been his parent, guide and guru 
He wondered, just wondered, if they were to move 
The house to an area on his home-world and made 
The land around it compatible with her wishes, 
Would she consider making the great sacrifice of 
Leaving her folk and going with him as his friend, 
Companion and sage?  It would be possible to 
Arrange for her to go and visit her people from time 
To time, as she wished.  She leapt at the opportunity 
But still they discussed it long through the night, 
Both working too hard not to impose on the other, 
And then it was that the Fool and Old Jun arrived to 
Make their farewells, and in doing so got sucked 
Into the conversation which, after much wrangling 
Unnecessarily in efforts to not do the wrong thing by 
The others, concluded with the agreement that the 
Three of them would accompany Georgio, living in 
Her great house as neighbours, once the floorboards 
Had been replaced.  They then toasted the decision!
And that, dear-hearts, is what they did.  As to how it 
went for them all, that is another story for another time, 
perhaps, but rest easy; it is a most happy one.